'ripped of wai's
1. What did you do in 2004 that you'd never done before?
- try to grow up? haha, i think every year i try to be less immature and not kick up a big fuss over trivial matters. working, definitely. KIDS. -shakes head.. o's. nightmare. graduation, found it ws all a big fuss over nothing. a! my bangs. haha. and also, send my best friend away. i dont really want to do that ever again. mm, on a lighter note, ooh craziest shopping ths year ;)
2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
- i cant really recall last yr's resolutions, as always..haha bt it shld be something like mug hard blah. didnt really happen, but ths year, there were goods and bads..
3. Did anyone close to you give birth?
- LAUGHS OUT LOUD..we live in the 21st century, not in China.
4. Did anyone close to you die?
- hell, no.
5. What countries did you visit?
- none!! growls.
6. What would you like to have in 2005 that you lacked in 2004?
- holding on to friends, better grades, the usual.
7. What dates from 2004 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
- i dont remember dates, but blur of events.
8. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
- wht hv i achieved? wouldnt be right to say nothing..bt i guess theyre all small achievements.
9. What was your biggest failure?
- being less self centred..its always been me me me..and MAYBE i shld b more family oriented..IF i pick up some anger management skills..
10. Did you suffer illness or injury?
- oh, my eyes. been giving me lotsa trouble. actually its the bloody contacts. CPCs la (is tht wht its called?) oh and tht mysterious grave headache+puking experience during physics prelims. horrid.
11. What was the best thing you bought?
- hee. lots.
12. Whose behavior merited celebration?
- haha ths qn sounds as tho im supp to say someone helped an old lady cross the road or someone stopped sleeping around. but err.
13. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
- dont think i should name anyone. but there were people who did jst tht. and maybe i mde people appalled and depressed too. haha
14. Where did most of your money go?
- sigh. dumb qn..shopping la.
15. What did you get really, really, really excited about?
- got really psyched over a couple of things. bt dnt think it lasted.
16. What song will always remind you of 2004?
- electriko's (sp?) running away or smth. for some particularly annonymous reason.
17. Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder?
- happier, and sadder. haha okok happier lahh.
b) thinner or fatter?
- huh. i didnt grow taller la, happy? so around the same weight.
c) richer or poorer?
- ..sigh. hate money matters..maybe both. shopping ws pretty extreme as compared to prev years bt hey, i worked!
18. What do you wish you'd done more of?
- spending time with the best friend, concentrating more when mugging!! (tsk. cjc..)
19. What do you wish you'd done less of?
- lets jst say i wish i'd spend less time on some people and more on others had i known the consequences..certain things would have brought me.
20. How will you be spending Christmas?
- you mean next year? hopefully kissing happily underneath the mistletoe. haha ok rolls eyes. with people i love! friends, family..
21. Did you fall in love in 2004?
- yes.
22. How many one-night stands?
- zilch..
23. What was your favorite TV program?
- duh. the oc.
24. Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
- hatred is bad! dislike maybe, bt not intense or anything.
25. What was the best book you read?
- ooh lotsa tear ducts inducing books bt i cant remember the titles. oh and dan brown's good. my fave : angels and demons.
26. What was your greatest musical discovery?
- er. tht i still like britney spears HAHA.
27. What did you want and get?
- quite a lot. haha materialistically speaking.
28. What did you want and not get?
- lots of stuff.
29. What was your favorite film of this year?
- TROY. fab show. spidey2 too! all-time favourite : Bring it on. hahaha..
30. What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
- jst turned 16 on the 12th. spent with friends and families..didnt have a good one this year.
31. How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2004?
- ooh. haha not as terrible as any year back i think. i'd say, colours!
33. What kept you sane?
- the best friend. so the word KEPT, past tense, is apt here. other daily neccesities. duh..
34. Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
- more than a couple of, but most, i'd say mary kate olsen.
36. Who did you miss?
- lots of people.
37. Who was the best new person you met?
- well, i dont know about new. best person ive met would be the best friend, obviously. who is being missed A LOT. reply my mail!! -growls.
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
mm just cleaned up the bedroom. thrs still the study room. bt too lazy to move..haha. sis and i had cheap deal at mos. sis and i cleaned up the bedrm togth jst nw. sis and i cant stand otelli edwards cos she sucks at dj-ing and florence lian shld jst fire her. sis and i look like twins to people who've jst met us. sis and i (and lots of other people) agree that steph looks like another sister of ours. sis and i are almost of the same height and weight. (shes taller and thus heavier but i'd like to believe im taller..) sis and i jst quarreled ystd. sis and i love each other now :) hahaha.
met up w pri sch clsmates ystd. haha. yes, unbelievable. but everyone looks the same to me! d'oh! reminiscing (sp?) the old old days..had a traumatising chinese teacher for 2 years (chan ah moy) she is every child's nightmare..all the poems she made us memorise..and her monterous Saliva Spits and mthd of throwing books on the flr whn we didnt do our ting xie corrections, washing the loo whn marilyn spilled the mo (ink) AND! whn she hollered at me and mde me sit at the tcher's table to complete my zhi shi bao for the first time i got so drowsy and fell aslp in her lesson (yea i only fell aslp in cls once in pri sch) are all etched in my mind..haha damn funny. watched kung fu hustle ; super lame, dont waste your money. ate at nydc ; mud pie ws damn good, pizza sucked. took neos ; wow! my face so bigg at the back!! (hpe you caught my sacarsm..)
aights. im off to bathe. feeling dirty. haha
chen heyy. yea me too :) take care, see ya around..love YOU!
met up w pri sch clsmates ystd. haha. yes, unbelievable. but everyone looks the same to me! d'oh! reminiscing (sp?) the old old days..had a traumatising chinese teacher for 2 years (chan ah moy) she is every child's nightmare..all the poems she made us memorise..and her monterous Saliva Spits and mthd of throwing books on the flr whn we didnt do our ting xie corrections, washing the loo whn marilyn spilled the mo (ink) AND! whn she hollered at me and mde me sit at the tcher's table to complete my zhi shi bao for the first time i got so drowsy and fell aslp in her lesson (yea i only fell aslp in cls once in pri sch) are all etched in my mind..haha damn funny. watched kung fu hustle ; super lame, dont waste your money. ate at nydc ; mud pie ws damn good, pizza sucked. took neos ; wow! my face so bigg at the back!! (hpe you caught my sacarsm..)
aights. im off to bathe. feeling dirty. haha
chen heyy. yea me too :) take care, see ya around..love YOU!
Sunday, December 26, 2004
Saturday, December 25, 2004
hee! im in quite a good mood. must be the christmas spirit. ive never been more family-ish. haha gna pick out new fridge w mum ltr..she cnt stp complaining tht she cnt buy ths 'cool' (i hv to see it for myself..) new fridge cos the fridge space is inadequate due to my dad's careless measurements when we moved house..and she kps telling me shes v keen in ths dvd machine w dnt knw wht new recording features..uhh. guess housewives nearing the big 50 are into household appliances..
bt im not! bought school shoes :D its roxy and pinkish and pale brown-greyish. ws nt wht i wanted to buy initially bt the 'punk shoes' (according to my sis) were err so huge i look like im stomping around w my feet wrapped up in blocks. andandand thrs the mango sale. hehe. got a colourful halter (my fave item), norm black shirt, a red fuzzy pullover and an off shoulder grey top..cheapcheap! shall nt blog abt my senseless prattlings..bt the point is, ah, shopping. :)
oh yea and (i cant remember when) i did volunteer work for charity! haha. as in, i wrapped presents (1buck for each gift) for free (no cip hours....) and ws qt fun la bt i think i scared some people with my wrapping skills. GOOD WRAPPING SKILLS. haha believe what you choose to..anw it ws pure madness. in the end only my sis and i handling the ps shopping crowd with the christmas rush..the things people buy -shakes head- ranges frm ths freaking rich guy w apple ipod, pda, huge lego set etc etc to ths m i s e r..fake ipod made of paper ._.
anw merry christmas, all!
stephy feefeee! haha coined a new nick for you. yes i agree tht you shld get a new blog..bt knowing you..you'll prolly close it dwn a few months after. anw, am i seeing you+sq tmrw? im FINALLY dne w your pres..been procrastinating it. haha my cuticles and knees are nw pricked with stitch holes! ._. lovee.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
i dont feel alright.
yknow when people ask you ; so how you been?
its only apt to go ; im fine! with a bigg plastic smile at that.
ok ths entry is pointless so dont bother reading.
im just suddenly hit by paradoxysm of .. sadness. whatever.
im alone ; all alone.
nobody knows and nobody cares to know.
ooh. im fine :)
Monday, December 20, 2004
came across ths online..
one thing that many people don't realize is that the word boob does not apply to all of us. The word boob calls to mind an over-full water balloon stretched to the breaking point, a Bazooka bubble blown past opaque to iridescent. And so, while I stand before you as a member of the boob tribe, I need to make it clear that I do not possess any boobs.
did lotsa quizes!
love taking quizes. haha so lame but qt interesting la..
and guess what..i found out my scent and tranquility is HERB ( the reckonings and analysis were really true but i hate the smell of herbs..its nt evn a scent.. ), that my career personality is um artistic, blahblah, and also that i hv an IQ of 139 which is classified as highly intelligent and that my strength is structural creativity, whtever tht means but wth. if i were highly intelligent i wouldnt be denied sa and end up in cj :( and and get ths : my humour is DARK. as in, goth creepy dark. one word : HUH. im nt a fan of marilyn manson thank you very much..
tings mm you lucky pig..having a good time spa-ing and all i see..anw i did a quiz! its about best friends relationships. ok so lame but im gonna post the results for you to see anw..haha btw did you check your mail? i mailed you eh. but you sign my gbk and dnt rply my mail. mm anw haha hey i DID improve ok..hahaha. -whacks your ass! and im nt a lazy bum..look who's talking..haha yea i knw..yins got into nj too..hey you got same l1r5 as sq right? can get into vj yknow. sigh. im just upset la. i dnt wna go jc at all if yknw wht i mean. call me eh. i nda talk :( eh your secretary just called i think. thought it ws you! chey..haha gv her jacob's no. hw come YOU dnt call me! mm anw, oh well. thts ok i guess..bt at least come back for a week hol or smth in ths 6 month break you hv?? :D heh. anw hv you heard yellowcard's new song : only one? i seriously doubt you hv, being in taiwan and all. err. haha anw i really like it youre my only one! :) SINCE WHEN dyou comb your hair lo. you only like, run your hands through your hair and say youre all set. haha. misses!
results : Have you and your best gf been friends forever? Is your friendship one built on loyalty and a history of helping one another out? Marissa and Summer from "The O.C." would understand.
Despite Marissa's multiple family problems, romance problems and just plain old problems, there has been one girl always by her side--Summer. Sure, she may be extremely concerned with her own appearance and popularity status, but her devotion to Marissa never waivers. These two are in it for the long haul. Let's just say they are so in sync that they even eat their breakfast together. They might not be completely glued together all the time or know of each others' exhilerating/traumatising experiences first-hand, but always know, in-depth, what is going on, and are always there for each other.
Just like Marissa and Summer, it sounds like you and your best gf know what it means to take care of a friend through the hard times and how to party down to celebrate the good. Life may be tough, but it helps when you have a friend who is as reliable as the rising sun. These kind of friends would leave a sweetie behind just to make sure the other is safe walking home. Friends like these guard the bathroom door when the lock is broken, share their new clothes and never spill the beans about the others' secret crush. Given this solid foundation, it's easy to imagine building a sturdy and long-lasting future together.
so, whaddya think? :)
ooh and ths one is my love colour..im terribly bored lahh!
John Alan Lee would identify you as the classic red-blooded lover: passionate, abandoned and a great admirer of physical beauty. Ah, the romantic, the prime target of Cupid's arrow.
When hit, red types have a tendency to fall hard. Think lovesick--fluttering heart, sweating palms, an upset stomach. What do you say, are you a sucker for a stranger's pretty face? And if you meet the right stranger, do you wind up spending every waking minute with your beloved? You may become smitten, but don't worry, it's unlikely you're ever in such a haze that you'll stay in a bad relationship for the sake of love.
theyre saying tht im superficial :(
k..too quizzy alr..
one thing that many people don't realize is that the word boob does not apply to all of us. The word boob calls to mind an over-full water balloon stretched to the breaking point, a Bazooka bubble blown past opaque to iridescent. And so, while I stand before you as a member of the boob tribe, I need to make it clear that I do not possess any boobs.
did lotsa quizes!
love taking quizes. haha so lame but qt interesting la..
and guess what..i found out my scent and tranquility is HERB ( the reckonings and analysis were really true but i hate the smell of herbs..its nt evn a scent.. ), that my career personality is um artistic, blahblah, and also that i hv an IQ of 139 which is classified as highly intelligent and that my strength is structural creativity, whtever tht means but wth. if i were highly intelligent i wouldnt be denied sa and end up in cj :( and and get ths : my humour is DARK. as in, goth creepy dark. one word : HUH. im nt a fan of marilyn manson thank you very much..
tings mm you lucky pig..having a good time spa-ing and all i see..anw i did a quiz! its about best friends relationships. ok so lame but im gonna post the results for you to see anw..haha btw did you check your mail? i mailed you eh. but you sign my gbk and dnt rply my mail. mm anw haha hey i DID improve ok..hahaha. -whacks your ass! and im nt a lazy bum..look who's talking..haha yea i knw..yins got into nj too..hey you got same l1r5 as sq right? can get into vj yknow. sigh. im just upset la. i dnt wna go jc at all if yknw wht i mean. call me eh. i nda talk :( eh your secretary just called i think. thought it ws you! chey..haha gv her jacob's no. hw come YOU dnt call me! mm anw, oh well. thts ok i guess..bt at least come back for a week hol or smth in ths 6 month break you hv?? :D heh. anw hv you heard yellowcard's new song : only one? i seriously doubt you hv, being in taiwan and all. err. haha anw i really like it youre my only one! :) SINCE WHEN dyou comb your hair lo. you only like, run your hands through your hair and say youre all set. haha. misses!
results : Have you and your best gf been friends forever? Is your friendship one built on loyalty and a history of helping one another out? Marissa and Summer from "The O.C." would understand.
Despite Marissa's multiple family problems, romance problems and just plain old problems, there has been one girl always by her side--Summer. Sure, she may be extremely concerned with her own appearance and popularity status, but her devotion to Marissa never waivers. These two are in it for the long haul. Let's just say they are so in sync that they even eat their breakfast together. They might not be completely glued together all the time or know of each others' exhilerating/traumatising experiences first-hand, but always know, in-depth, what is going on, and are always there for each other.
Just like Marissa and Summer, it sounds like you and your best gf know what it means to take care of a friend through the hard times and how to party down to celebrate the good. Life may be tough, but it helps when you have a friend who is as reliable as the rising sun. These kind of friends would leave a sweetie behind just to make sure the other is safe walking home. Friends like these guard the bathroom door when the lock is broken, share their new clothes and never spill the beans about the others' secret crush. Given this solid foundation, it's easy to imagine building a sturdy and long-lasting future together.
so, whaddya think? :)
ooh and ths one is my love colour..im terribly bored lahh!
John Alan Lee would identify you as the classic red-blooded lover: passionate, abandoned and a great admirer of physical beauty. Ah, the romantic, the prime target of Cupid's arrow.
When hit, red types have a tendency to fall hard. Think lovesick--fluttering heart, sweating palms, an upset stomach. What do you say, are you a sucker for a stranger's pretty face? And if you meet the right stranger, do you wind up spending every waking minute with your beloved? You may become smitten, but don't worry, it's unlikely you're ever in such a haze that you'll stay in a bad relationship for the sake of love.
theyre saying tht im superficial :(
k..too quizzy alr..
Sunday, December 19, 2004
been having a quiet peaceful life.
haha not that its been happening or anything.
but for the first time
ive spent 2.5days at home! and i think ll be rotting home till tuesday..STITCHING like an old granny..and reading like a geek..cant wait for weds+thurs..! seeing people i havent seen in a long time. quite long la. and im like, having a pri school cls gathering 3 days aft xmas too..wow. tis the season for gatherings.
tings you stupid girl..i miss you like, fucken much..im damn miserable :( didnt change my numbers at all!! did you key in the wrong country code or something? yea i knw..most people start school in the states in july but you wont be 17 yet eh. HEY WHY DONT YOU COME BACK HERE AND ROT WITH ME..cos like, first 3 months will be damn crappy for me, i hate it..and everyone will be moving on :( then you go back shanghai after march hols la..cos thts when i start school again in the other (or maybe same) jc..anw. haha maybe you can investigate the cause of the rotten smell..and help your cousin get rid of it..err i SORTA curbed by shopping habits bt going back to it again..haha bought..stuff..and shopping with ree a few days frm nw..and i nda get a new bag and shoes for school..I WANT TO SHOP WITH YOU :( excuse me are you coming back..btwbtw i got good progress award!! haha last time i got it ws like, sec2..grr. im really bored. why cant you call through??
Saturday, December 18, 2004
cant believe its already 1+
got carried away chatting w mina. yea haha so funny..we just went on and on..were on quite a roll. bad bad day..thought a lot..on thinking mode. i conclude that people are scary, period. you really never know what they think about you. that very sweet smile could be a fake. they could tell you that they love you but the next minute its all 'shes so irritating, get rid of her, lets go out without her' they could tell you youre so skinny and then next thing secretly laugh at the fact that your tummy ws protruding as you were slumped on the chair and also, that youre flat. when people look at me, i feel like screaming, dont judge me, i cant help it if im not pretty. im born with so many imperfections..stop pointing that out to your friends. im wearing whatever i feel like that day. stop saying that i dont look nice in it. its mean. and yea, im talking about myself too. cos i cant stop bitching. and i feel so bad. but thats the way it is. and i dont understand why myself. okay i sound like a mad bitch ranting. actually, nothing happened. just wild random thoughts. haha. madness la. i miss tings.
and i hate cj. as in, i didnt even know it myself till the results came out. i really dont want to be wearing factory worker uniform. ok first three months no needa wear. but still. its traumatising. ( all the nightmare stories ive been hearing ) ok maybe if i put more than 2 choices, i wouldnt end up there. but the thing is, i hate all jcs cos i dont wanna go jc at all. not as in i wanna go poly or anything. i just wanna stay in st nicks. not that i love the school that i want to retain but i prefer secondary school life. ahh whatever.
schools starting in a few weeks.
and i cant help
but feel SO incomplete without tings.
what the hell.
im all alone in a place i hate.
ok i think i dont hate cj in particular ( I THINK ) bt i just hate going to a new environment and seeing new faces and changing and adapting. its redundant. and ok, i also dont wanna be in cj, for certain obvious reasons..
AND i just went shopping..they werent impulsive acts though. haha i really really like my body mist and volcom clutch. and i really really considered and weighed the pros and cons. ok my ass. i bought them cos i like them. but still. there were MANY other stuff at raffles city..i really love that place. actually, ive always loved raffles city. haha. and city link. mm. the point is there were many other wow stuff but i didnt purchase them ok. so. did exercise some self control after all.
SIGH. felt a lot better after shopping..as always..
BUT now..im upset all over again.
im broke la.
BROKE. but nxt week's arriving..haha. so nvm.
mm loving oceanus. totally.
and im also loving that volcom wallet..and also that ozoc wallet..the butterfly on it ws so pretty..and that necklace thing..crap. steph dont roll your eyes.
got carried away chatting w mina. yea haha so funny..we just went on and on..were on quite a roll. bad bad day..thought a lot..on thinking mode. i conclude that people are scary, period. you really never know what they think about you. that very sweet smile could be a fake. they could tell you that they love you but the next minute its all 'shes so irritating, get rid of her, lets go out without her' they could tell you youre so skinny and then next thing secretly laugh at the fact that your tummy ws protruding as you were slumped on the chair and also, that youre flat. when people look at me, i feel like screaming, dont judge me, i cant help it if im not pretty. im born with so many imperfections..stop pointing that out to your friends. im wearing whatever i feel like that day. stop saying that i dont look nice in it. its mean. and yea, im talking about myself too. cos i cant stop bitching. and i feel so bad. but thats the way it is. and i dont understand why myself. okay i sound like a mad bitch ranting. actually, nothing happened. just wild random thoughts. haha. madness la. i miss tings.
and i hate cj. as in, i didnt even know it myself till the results came out. i really dont want to be wearing factory worker uniform. ok first three months no needa wear. but still. its traumatising. ( all the nightmare stories ive been hearing ) ok maybe if i put more than 2 choices, i wouldnt end up there. but the thing is, i hate all jcs cos i dont wanna go jc at all. not as in i wanna go poly or anything. i just wanna stay in st nicks. not that i love the school that i want to retain but i prefer secondary school life. ahh whatever.
schools starting in a few weeks.
and i cant help
but feel SO incomplete without tings.
what the hell.
im all alone in a place i hate.
ok i think i dont hate cj in particular ( I THINK ) bt i just hate going to a new environment and seeing new faces and changing and adapting. its redundant. and ok, i also dont wanna be in cj, for certain obvious reasons..
AND i just went shopping..they werent impulsive acts though. haha i really really like my body mist and volcom clutch. and i really really considered and weighed the pros and cons. ok my ass. i bought them cos i like them. but still. there were MANY other stuff at raffles city..i really love that place. actually, ive always loved raffles city. haha. and city link. mm. the point is there were many other wow stuff but i didnt purchase them ok. so. did exercise some self control after all.
SIGH. felt a lot better after shopping..as always..
BUT now..im upset all over again.
im broke la.
BROKE. but nxt week's arriving..haha. so nvm.
mm loving oceanus. totally.
and im also loving that volcom wallet..and also that ozoc wallet..the butterfly on it ws so pretty..and that necklace thing..crap. steph dont roll your eyes.
Thursday, December 16, 2004
listening to ryan cabrera and oliver james :)
Everybody wants to be loved
every once in a while
we all need someone to hold on to
just like a helpless child
can you whisper in my ear
let me know it's alright
it's been a long time coming
down this road
and now i know
what i've been waiting for
and like a lonely highway
i'm trying to get home
love's been a long time coming
you can look for a lifetime
you can love for a day
you can think you got everything but
everything is nothing when you throw it away
then you look in my eyes
and i have it all
once again
it's been a long time coming
down this road
and now i know
what i've been waiting for
just like a lonley highway
i'm trying to get home
love's been a long time coming
didn't know i was lost
til you found me
haha. so cheesy. but still :D
every once in a while
we all need someone to hold on to
just like a helpless child
can you whisper in my ear
let me know it's alright
it's been a long time coming
down this road
and now i know
what i've been waiting for
and like a lonely highway
i'm trying to get home
love's been a long time coming
you can look for a lifetime
you can love for a day
you can think you got everything but
everything is nothing when you throw it away
then you look in my eyes
and i have it all
once again
it's been a long time coming
down this road
and now i know
what i've been waiting for
just like a lonley highway
i'm trying to get home
love's been a long time coming
didn't know i was lost
til you found me
haha. so cheesy. but still :D
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
i think im nocturnal.
just came home and bathed and stuff..watched the incredibles!! omg its hell good, everyone should watch it. like troy. i mean, its nt like troy, but its a must-watch!!! totally. and i usually hatehatehate cartoony flicks..theyre so lame..finding nemo made me sleep..but ths is really good!! haha. amazing la. mm ate at fish&co, seafood platter for 2 sucks..got so sick of eating (though ws still hungry) wanted to puke!! too much!! ooh but the platter for 1 is really good..used to eat with tings all the time.. anywaywayway..ste&sq!! loved the pres! it ws thoughtful. haha. like last year's. BIG KISS <3 :D :D though the mini cake is probably rotting right nw..heh. and also i decided tht if i ever find some cell phone or digi cam (these are the usual items nwadays) hanging around, forgotten by their owners (who're always bound to come back and hunt feverishly for it), im never gonna keep it for myself!! 'finders keepers losers weepers' just should nt exist..its too cruel to be true. esp when its a newly bought 700+ digicam..sigh. -pats my dear friend on her back- and i'd say tht the people in ps gelare are so freaking rude. esp tht..bung who works thr..mean ass. totally. hate tht place now! grr.
anyway..bought ribbons! haha lameness..and another thread colour..yea spotlight is my new favourite hangout place..and i proclaim myself as broke as anyone can be :( OVERSPENT. totally..currently mending the major hole in my account..luckily i bought all xmas presents..haha. the excitement got to me..anyway..oh yea. nda get smth else for my sis..ahh. and school essentials 1.shoes 2.tote and i'd love a MAC voucher pls..sigh. and again, luckily i got my organiser¬ebooksss&pencilcase alr..haha wht can i say..ive grown up to shop like a kiasu aunty..mm WHT IS GOING ON with tht drop it like its hot song..sheesh. stupidest song ive ever heard. no substance at all..and its nt like, dancey or anyth. and i keep hearing it everytime i start listening to perfect10..stop!! grr.
ok nuff rambling..off i go to resume attending to other activities :)
oh! btw, i love ths song..its nt my favourite song or anyth bt its so sweet la. and its nt like, a sappy ballad or anyth. all bfs shld sing it to their gfs!! or maybe nt if they hv a hideous voice. bt whatever.
Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason
I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one
Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone
And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only my only one
Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
My only one
My only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one
yayy!! i just heard it on the p10!! yipeeee. hehehe. ok im easily high at night..thinking of buying yellowcard/maroon5's albums..mm ok BROKE.
just came home and bathed and stuff..watched the incredibles!! omg its hell good, everyone should watch it. like troy. i mean, its nt like troy, but its a must-watch!!! totally. and i usually hatehatehate cartoony flicks..theyre so lame..finding nemo made me sleep..but ths is really good!! haha. amazing la. mm ate at fish&co, seafood platter for 2 sucks..got so sick of eating (though ws still hungry) wanted to puke!! too much!! ooh but the platter for 1 is really good..used to eat with tings all the time.. anywaywayway..ste&sq!! loved the pres! it ws thoughtful. haha. like last year's. BIG KISS <3 :D :D though the mini cake is probably rotting right nw..heh. and also i decided tht if i ever find some cell phone or digi cam (these are the usual items nwadays) hanging around, forgotten by their owners (who're always bound to come back and hunt feverishly for it), im never gonna keep it for myself!! 'finders keepers losers weepers' just should nt exist..its too cruel to be true. esp when its a newly bought 700+ digicam..sigh. -pats my dear friend on her back- and i'd say tht the people in ps gelare are so freaking rude. esp tht..bung who works thr..mean ass. totally. hate tht place now! grr.
anyway..bought ribbons! haha lameness..and another thread colour..yea spotlight is my new favourite hangout place..and i proclaim myself as broke as anyone can be :( OVERSPENT. totally..currently mending the major hole in my account..luckily i bought all xmas presents..haha. the excitement got to me..anyway..oh yea. nda get smth else for my sis..ahh. and school essentials 1.shoes 2.tote and i'd love a MAC voucher pls..sigh. and again, luckily i got my organiser¬ebooksss&pencilcase alr..haha wht can i say..ive grown up to shop like a kiasu aunty..mm WHT IS GOING ON with tht drop it like its hot song..sheesh. stupidest song ive ever heard. no substance at all..and its nt like, dancey or anyth. and i keep hearing it everytime i start listening to perfect10..stop!! grr.
ok nuff rambling..off i go to resume attending to other activities :)
oh! btw, i love ths song..its nt my favourite song or anyth bt its so sweet la. and its nt like, a sappy ballad or anyth. all bfs shld sing it to their gfs!! or maybe nt if they hv a hideous voice. bt whatever.
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason
I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one
Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone
And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only my only one
Here I go so dishonestly
Leave a note for you my only one
And I know you can see right through me
So let me go and you will find someone
Here I go, scream my lungs out and try to get to you
You are my only one
I let go, but there's just no one, no one like you
You are my only, my only one
My only one
My only one
My only one
You are my only, my only one
yayy!! i just heard it on the p10!! yipeeee. hehehe. ok im easily high at night..thinking of buying yellowcard/maroon5's albums..mm ok BROKE.
Monday, December 13, 2004
shitsers, dno hw to mke the scrollbar track transparent..looks so queer nw. shld i add tht kristin kruek pic or nt? wnted to pt olsen twins! bt ashley looks so funny in all the pics. oh well.
anyway anyway
had quite a happy birthday ystd :)
im sixteen! whopeedoo.
my lil cousins gv me a present..it ws damn sweet. like gosh! haha
and i got money money frm my relatives :D
gna meet sq+ste ltr..
momsie! haha you are damn hell funny! its a good idea tht you left mr toh since all he did ws lim kopi whn you were pushing and pushing so hard. haha thanks dear. love you lotsssss :)
anyway anyway
had quite a happy birthday ystd :)
im sixteen! whopeedoo.
my lil cousins gv me a present..it ws damn sweet. like gosh! haha
and i got money money frm my relatives :D
gna meet sq+ste ltr..
momsie! haha you are damn hell funny! its a good idea tht you left mr toh since all he did ws lim kopi whn you were pushing and pushing so hard. haha thanks dear. love you lotsssss :)
Sunday, December 12, 2004
hee. nanapok and ree gave me a big surprise just now at like i dont knw, 7am in the morning i think. whispering so loudly next to my bed. and those 2 mad girls do not eat breakfast and i was starving so i ate like a pig..anyway out of point. gna meet my sister ltr. we're gonna check out tampines mall!! haha so damn cool huh. cos ive nvr been thr and lotsa ppl hv been telling me its really nice. oh well. gtg.
btw thanks, all who wished me! (im STILL waiting for ms tingsie. all ppl but you! even my pri sch friends and (they rmbed!) lex..and at too. IM VERY CROSS WITH YOU, BTW.)
wyn is first again, like last year. haha
sylvia : thanks dear :) whts your blog url btw? i dnt hv any links nw. haha
btw thanks, all who wished me! (im STILL waiting for ms tingsie. all ppl but you! even my pri sch friends and (they rmbed!) lex..and at too. IM VERY CROSS WITH YOU, BTW.)
wyn is first again, like last year. haha
sylvia : thanks dear :) whts your blog url btw? i dnt hv any links nw. haha
Saturday, December 11, 2004
just came home..
wanted to blog about all the funny stuff tht happened the past few days
but suddenly i feel so..rotten.
like rotten apple discarded in a corner.
argh. me and my crap. hate it.
turning 16 in like, 2 hours.
sure doesnt feel like it.
lets see
no.1 my best friend is like, whoosh, all around the world but here.
no.2 unlike prev years, im celebrating with my FAMILY on the day itself and friends post the actual date. PLUS, no pre celebrations, as you can see. instead, i had an ah soh session consecutively for the 2nd time with sq..it was fun and we kpt laughing at ourselves but we werent exactly having an ah soh celebration..and im talking, or rather, typing to the comp like a deluded moron at this point in time. anw not like thrs anything wrong with my family. i love my aunt and all but my cousins and uncles?? i see them like, 5 times a year. and ths is so..elementary school. i can foresee stilted conversations. oh joy.
no.3 im trying to be in denial but thr's a sinking feeling deep down because i knw everyone wldve already forgotten. (and also busy celebrating with other people who just have to be born on the same day as me..thus needless to say, painting a clear picture as to who is, yknow, more important to them..but whatever..)
no.4 sweet sixteen is actually supposed to mean something.
no.5 the thing is, i dont even feel loved.
no.6 and i really dont think huang weiting actually knws the days as they fly past so she probably wont bother (as usual)
no.7 so ysee im like, so happy right now i could burst in tears.
okay ths is too depressing for further continuation.
so you see, this is really
great. i have a sense of foreboding ths year isnt going to be exactly rosy and happy at all. every year gets increasingly crappy. no wonder like the apple, i rot more and get discarded more as time goes by.
wanted to blog about all the funny stuff tht happened the past few days
but suddenly i feel so..rotten.
like rotten apple discarded in a corner.
argh. me and my crap. hate it.
turning 16 in like, 2 hours.
sure doesnt feel like it.
lets see
no.1 my best friend is like, whoosh, all around the world but here.
no.2 unlike prev years, im celebrating with my FAMILY on the day itself and friends post the actual date. PLUS, no pre celebrations, as you can see. instead, i had an ah soh session consecutively for the 2nd time with sq..it was fun and we kpt laughing at ourselves but we werent exactly having an ah soh celebration..and im talking, or rather, typing to the comp like a deluded moron at this point in time. anw not like thrs anything wrong with my family. i love my aunt and all but my cousins and uncles?? i see them like, 5 times a year. and ths is so..elementary school. i can foresee stilted conversations. oh joy.
no.3 im trying to be in denial but thr's a sinking feeling deep down because i knw everyone wldve already forgotten. (and also busy celebrating with other people who just have to be born on the same day as me..thus needless to say, painting a clear picture as to who is, yknow, more important to them..but whatever..)
no.4 sweet sixteen is actually supposed to mean something.
no.5 the thing is, i dont even feel loved.
no.6 and i really dont think huang weiting actually knws the days as they fly past so she probably wont bother (as usual)
no.7 so ysee im like, so happy right now i could burst in tears.
okay ths is too depressing for further continuation.
so you see, this is really
great. i have a sense of foreboding ths year isnt going to be exactly rosy and happy at all. every year gets increasingly crappy. no wonder like the apple, i rot more and get discarded more as time goes by.
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
just re-watched what a girl wants (i know..whaat?? its like, ancient and so princess-diaries-y..) and i really really like the soundtrack! ok actually i dno if all the songs are in the soundtrack bt the songs in the movie are good. ok theyre sappy ballads. but nice sappy ballads! heh. dont knw if the soundtrack still exist..any kind souls? (my bday and xmas coming up :D)
mm let me recap what happened the past few days..
monday went wild wild wet w ree, steph&sq..it ws qt fun la..bt i think the jurong rides were better..actually the kids playground ws the most fun! what can i say..we're all young at heart..the other rides were so-so..oh! and tht cycling in the air thing was SO nt wht i thought it'd be..me&ree were totally freaking out in mid-air, paranoid tht the whole thing was tilted to our sides (as in she thought it was to her bt i thought it ws to me) so we were cycling like, at a snail's pace. yea. haha and that man-made wave thingy ws fun too, now tht i think of it..haha we got bruises and aches by trying to pull each other and wht not..DEAD TIRED. haha and when the waves came we ended up being washed to the shore..so much for all the paddling and grips..
in the end we went chomp chomp for seafood..ws qt ok la. shlda found out tht pasir ris eatery place..then rented White Chicks..bt most of the time ws spent huddling over ths jigsaw puzzle..oh the agony of trying to piece everyth in..bt i think we were all pretty good huh :D ego swells. haha ok i admit i wsnt v helpful actually..haha steph kpt swatting me away whn i 'intruded her di pan' and sq kpt eyeing me and telling me 'dont even think about it' when i tried to squish a stubborn piece into its wrong home..haha bt i solved the mystery of the patch at the end k! haha. went home cross eyed and aching all over..
mm tuesday. had class, the little pri1 girl kpt toying with my patience and i ws so annoyed! shes unbelievable. if i never want to adopt any kids, it'll be kudos to her..anw wht did i do ystd?? oh went town, wanted to get sewing stuff (new hobby :D) but in the end..sigh failed mission la. nonetheless, we had gelare (half price on tues!!) and after which started ths ice fight all of a sudden..
then got specs!! haha :) its purple and just what i wanted! ladidum. collecting on thurs.
had the worst headache ths morning. ok actually it wsnt the worst..tht title wld be appropriate for the one i had before physics prelims..it'll haunt me for life. anw i thought i ws gonna barf but fell aslp..
alrighty..off i go.
btw TINGS, i mailed you ystd!! go check!!
mm let me recap what happened the past few days..
monday went wild wild wet w ree, steph&sq..it ws qt fun la..bt i think the jurong rides were better..actually the kids playground ws the most fun! what can i say..we're all young at heart..the other rides were so-so..oh! and tht cycling in the air thing was SO nt wht i thought it'd be..me&ree were totally freaking out in mid-air, paranoid tht the whole thing was tilted to our sides (as in she thought it was to her bt i thought it ws to me) so we were cycling like, at a snail's pace. yea. haha and that man-made wave thingy ws fun too, now tht i think of it..haha we got bruises and aches by trying to pull each other and wht not..DEAD TIRED. haha and when the waves came we ended up being washed to the shore..so much for all the paddling and grips..
in the end we went chomp chomp for seafood..ws qt ok la. shlda found out tht pasir ris eatery place..then rented White Chicks..bt most of the time ws spent huddling over ths jigsaw puzzle..oh the agony of trying to piece everyth in..bt i think we were all pretty good huh :D ego swells. haha ok i admit i wsnt v helpful actually..haha steph kpt swatting me away whn i 'intruded her di pan' and sq kpt eyeing me and telling me 'dont even think about it' when i tried to squish a stubborn piece into its wrong home..haha bt i solved the mystery of the patch at the end k! haha. went home cross eyed and aching all over..
mm tuesday. had class, the little pri1 girl kpt toying with my patience and i ws so annoyed! shes unbelievable. if i never want to adopt any kids, it'll be kudos to her..anw wht did i do ystd?? oh went town, wanted to get sewing stuff (new hobby :D) but in the end..sigh failed mission la. nonetheless, we had gelare (half price on tues!!) and after which started ths ice fight all of a sudden..
then got specs!! haha :) its purple and just what i wanted! ladidum. collecting on thurs.
had the worst headache ths morning. ok actually it wsnt the worst..tht title wld be appropriate for the one i had before physics prelims..it'll haunt me for life. anw i thought i ws gonna barf but fell aslp..
alrighty..off i go.
btw TINGS, i mailed you ystd!! go check!!
Sunday, December 05, 2004
i feel like a sim now!
actually, i WISH i were a sim.
to get someone help me find true love and then get engaged and blah,
and also attend to my every need (i.e simple things like cereal or to gussy up)
i love sims2!!
and ok forget it,
aileen stj,
what the heck?
GRR..my cell better beep sometime soon with your message
or u'll be presumed dead and i shall start weeping..
me and my dramatic crap thanks to sims.
ms huang weiting.
MSN?? okay?? set a date!! :D
actually, i WISH i were a sim.
to get someone help me find true love and then get engaged and blah,
and also attend to my every need (i.e simple things like cereal or to gussy up)
i love sims2!!
and ok forget it,
aileen stj,
what the heck?
GRR..my cell better beep sometime soon with your message
or u'll be presumed dead and i shall start weeping..
me and my dramatic crap thanks to sims.
ms huang weiting.
MSN?? okay?? set a date!! :D
i suddenly realise what date is it today..
and okay, since you probably dont care
cos youre way too sick of me
im letting go, all of it.
i now know memories are not everything
in fact they mean nothing
when only one is holding on to it.
i dont know why things happen the way they do
but everything is so predictable now
im so used to the constant changes
i think about what we had
but i realise you really dont care
so as ive mentioned
im letting go, all of it..
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause it's all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can't take it (yeah) I can't shake it
Want to see if you still got that look in your eyes
That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes
And it's a shame that we got to spend our time
Being mad about the same things
Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
But I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)
I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)
Now that I've realized that I'm going down
From all this pain you've put me through
Every time I close my eyes I like it down
I can't go on not loving you
and okay, since you probably dont care
cos youre way too sick of me
im letting go, all of it.
i now know memories are not everything
in fact they mean nothing
when only one is holding on to it.
i dont know why things happen the way they do
but everything is so predictable now
im so used to the constant changes
i think about what we had
but i realise you really dont care
so as ive mentioned
im letting go, all of it..
Cause its all in my head
I think about it over and over again
And it hurts so bad, yeah
Cause it's all in my head
I think about it over and over again
I replay it over and over again
And I can't take it (yeah) I can't shake it
Want to see if you still got that look in your eyes
That one you had for me before we said our goodbyes
And it's a shame that we got to spend our time
Being mad about the same things
Over and over again
About the same things
Over and over again
But I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)
I think she's leaving
Ooh man she's leaving
I don't know what else to do
(I Can't go on not loving you)
Now that I've realized that I'm going down
From all this pain you've put me through
Every time I close my eyes I like it down
miss you too!! so youre at taiwan now or shanghai? anw pls work out your email..ive got like, so damn much to tell you..hurry before i forget. haha yknow me and my memory problems..haha so hows your hair like? shorter or just thinned it? btw our photos are ready! due to steph's surprising efficiency all of a sudden..haha. the nice ones are already framed on my tables..haha. and you looked good in one of the connexio photos! and i was like, really really pimply cos it was my Major Outbreak period! fainted. and i need to tell you about grad!! better hurry call me or work out your email thing la! i couldnt help you cos i forgot your password. heh. LOVEE! :D
miss you too!! so youre at taiwan now or shanghai? anw pls work out your email..ive got like, so damn much to tell you..hurry before i forget. haha yknow me and my memory problems..haha so hows your hair like? shorter or just thinned it? btw our photos are ready! due to steph's surprising efficiency all of a sudden..haha. the nice ones are already framed on my tables..haha. and you looked good in one of the connexio photos! and i was like, really really pimply cos it was my Major Outbreak period! fainted. and i need to tell you about grad!! better hurry call me or work out your email thing la! i couldnt help you cos i forgot your password. heh. LOVEE! :D
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
aight..grad's over..
i have to say it wasnt even the least bit heartwarming or touching (apart from our class' powerpt slide). i wasnt glowing with warmth, it didnt feel like anything special happened..it was like, hollow and empty. sat around like a statue..took photos till my mouth ached and my smile became more and more spastic-looking..ate sparse portions of the food..was hungry but didnt feel like eating..but everyone was looking great..charlotte mymy was gorgeous. and i agree that siqi was every bit model-ish..michelle was oh-so sweet. i think she had the prettiest dress that night. and all my girlies looked good! (though that stupid rol was so testing me&xin's patience earlier..-glaresss!) steph was so kirsten dunst-ish in bring it on..esp when she was prancing about in kbox later that night..or should i say morning. were screaming off key and dancing on the sofas to the wee wee wee hours of the morning cos our session ends at 5am..my eyes were SO hurting from wearing contacts all day..but all in all, helluva fun :D were all so duper high except from siqi who sat there, looking pretty and glam while we were erm, letting loose and doing god knows what.
ooh and when we entered kbox cine at 12am we didnt exactly expect to be greeted by a man punching the hell outta this woman. ok we didnt see him punch her, but sq told me her mouth was bleeding and all. oh gawdy. freaked the hell outta us.
cant stand my fringe now..growing sick of it. it gives me this Act Cute image. djsgh. ugh. gross to the max. the stupid guy doing my hair happily snipped and snipped with my hair STRAIGHTENED. hello, when i wash my hair and all is not straightened, imagine how it springs up! grossness.
what on earth is happening to spore idol man. cant be bothered to watch anymore. someone tell me why is sylvester 'sly'?? its the cheesiest thing ever. but his rendition of an jing was really really fab fab..and i dont exactly support taufik either..all his songs seem the same to me. why why why was olinda eliminated?? madness. anyway. its not like ive been an avid fan of spore idol..haha. i hardly watch it since the first few rounds of elimination. so who am i to say..though now that i think back, the major shocker was when jessea was eliminated. like, huh??
sigh. teaching tmrw..the 2hours are pure stretches of patience and nothing else.
nothing is alright without my best friend back here..
but im trying.
i have to say it wasnt even the least bit heartwarming or touching (apart from our class' powerpt slide). i wasnt glowing with warmth, it didnt feel like anything special happened..it was like, hollow and empty. sat around like a statue..took photos till my mouth ached and my smile became more and more spastic-looking..ate sparse portions of the food..was hungry but didnt feel like eating..but everyone was looking great..charlotte mymy was gorgeous. and i agree that siqi was every bit model-ish..michelle was oh-so sweet. i think she had the prettiest dress that night. and all my girlies looked good! (though that stupid rol was so testing me&xin's patience earlier..-glaresss!) steph was so kirsten dunst-ish in bring it on..esp when she was prancing about in kbox later that night..or should i say morning. were screaming off key and dancing on the sofas to the wee wee wee hours of the morning cos our session ends at 5am..my eyes were SO hurting from wearing contacts all day..but all in all, helluva fun :D were all so duper high except from siqi who sat there, looking pretty and glam while we were erm, letting loose and doing god knows what.
ooh and when we entered kbox cine at 12am we didnt exactly expect to be greeted by a man punching the hell outta this woman. ok we didnt see him punch her, but sq told me her mouth was bleeding and all. oh gawdy. freaked the hell outta us.
cant stand my fringe now..growing sick of it. it gives me this Act Cute image. djsgh. ugh. gross to the max. the stupid guy doing my hair happily snipped and snipped with my hair STRAIGHTENED. hello, when i wash my hair and all is not straightened, imagine how it springs up! grossness.
what on earth is happening to spore idol man. cant be bothered to watch anymore. someone tell me why is sylvester 'sly'?? its the cheesiest thing ever. but his rendition of an jing was really really fab fab..and i dont exactly support taufik either..all his songs seem the same to me. why why why was olinda eliminated?? madness. anyway. its not like ive been an avid fan of spore idol..haha. i hardly watch it since the first few rounds of elimination. so who am i to say..though now that i think back, the major shocker was when jessea was eliminated. like, huh??
sigh. teaching tmrw..the 2hours are pure stretches of patience and nothing else.
nothing is alright without my best friend back here..
but im trying.
Monday, November 29, 2004
all the "you still have me" and "i'll be there" were bulls h i te.
whatever. sick of getting mad at you already. do what you want. i dont care anymore. really.
anyway, moving on to happier topics :)
prommy prom ltr! quite excited despite myself.
haha. stupid tings better call me ltr.
went to find shoesies with ree ystd! and she helped me find this nice daniel yam pair :D thanks dear. you made me a lot happier though you probably didnt know it. anywayy we're going bugis for hair (she thought it was wheelock i dno why) hope it'll turn out fine..i really dont wanna be all screwed up..oh and had manicure again with the girls. erm 2 of my fingers are already ruined thanks to veet..shall not lapse into long incessant story..
ooh and on thurs i saw ths girl..she was going for prom i think. and she was abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous. jeez! stood there, mesmerised for a second when she stepped outta her merc. haha do i sound like a psycho pl or what.
anyway. shall get outta here. typing little notes for all my loveleeee girls
:) pardon me for being annoying gay today.
no pun intended.
so exciting lalalala!
whatever. sick of getting mad at you already. do what you want. i dont care anymore. really.
anyway, moving on to happier topics :)
prommy prom ltr! quite excited despite myself.
haha. stupid tings better call me ltr.
went to find shoesies with ree ystd! and she helped me find this nice daniel yam pair :D thanks dear. you made me a lot happier though you probably didnt know it. anywayy we're going bugis for hair (she thought it was wheelock i dno why) hope it'll turn out fine..i really dont wanna be all screwed up..oh and had manicure again with the girls. erm 2 of my fingers are already ruined thanks to veet..shall not lapse into long incessant story..
ooh and on thurs i saw ths girl..she was going for prom i think. and she was abso-fucking-lutely gorgeous. jeez! stood there, mesmerised for a second when she stepped outta her merc. haha do i sound like a psycho pl or what.
anyway. shall get outta here. typing little notes for all my loveleeee girls
:) pardon me for being annoying gay today.
no pun intended.
so exciting lalalala!
Saturday, November 27, 2004
; michelle branch
One less call to answer
Feeling full of despair
Don't think I can get through it
Just one last prayer
And it's a leap of faith
When you believe
There's someone out there
It's a leap of faith
When you believe that
Someone cares, oh
And when I call out to you
Will you be right there
Right there
Searching for the answer
Nobody seems to care
Oh how I wish that
You were here
Beside me
To wipe away my tears
And it's a leap of faith
When you believe
There's someone out there
It's a leap of faith
When you believe
That someone cares, oh
And when I call out to you
Will you be right there
Right there
One less call to answer
Feeling full of despair
Don't think I can get through it
Just one last prayer
And it's a leap of faith
When you believe
There's someone out there
It's a leap of faith
When you believe that
Someone cares, oh
And when I call out to you
Will you be right there
Right there
Searching for the answer
Nobody seems to care
Oh how I wish that
You were here
Beside me
To wipe away my tears
And it's a leap of faith
When you believe
There's someone out there
It's a leap of faith
When you believe
That someone cares, oh
And when I call out to you
Will you be right there
Right there
Thursday, November 25, 2004
aight. one last time, baby.
; vanessa carlton
Crashed on the floor when I moved in
This little bungalow with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's till the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day
Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke
I'm so excited, I haven't spoken
And she's so pretty, and she's so sure
Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her
The summer's all in bloom
The summer is ending soon
It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Maybe I'm a little bit over my head
I come undone at the things he said
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt
We were all in love and we all got hurt
I sneak into his car's cracked leather seat
The smell of gasoline in the summer heat
Boy, we're going way too fast
It's all too sweet to last
It's alright
And I put myself in his hands
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Love, or something ignites in my veins
And I pray it never fades in white houses
My first time, hard to explain
Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain
On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think
He's my first mistake
Maybe you were all faster than me
We gave each other up so easily
These silly little wounds will never mend
I feel so far from where I've been
So I go, and I will not be back here again
I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses
I lie, put my injuries all in the dust
In my heart is the five of us
In white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep
In white houses
Crashed on the floor when I moved in
This little bungalow with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's till the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day
Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke
I'm so excited, I haven't spoken
And she's so pretty, and she's so sure
Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her
The summer's all in bloom
The summer is ending soon
It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Maybe I'm a little bit over my head
I come undone at the things he said
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt
We were all in love and we all got hurt
I sneak into his car's cracked leather seat
The smell of gasoline in the summer heat
Boy, we're going way too fast
It's all too sweet to last
It's alright
And I put myself in his hands
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Love, or something ignites in my veins
And I pray it never fades in white houses
My first time, hard to explain
Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain
On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think
He's my first mistake
Maybe you were all faster than me
We gave each other up so easily
These silly little wounds will never mend
I feel so far from where I've been
So I go, and I will not be back here again
I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses
I lie, put my injuries all in the dust
In my heart is the five of us
In white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep
In white houses
argh. super pissed off with my mum. she DOES NOT understand, fullstop dont know why i bother talking to her anyway. waste my breath.
anyway. shall not ruin the entry. here's to my bestie..this is like, the most cliched thing ever but! love you always, babe. there's so much i couldnt say before you leave, but you know right? so here goes, 4 years, so much happened..so much to say, so little time, the words just dont come out..but one look in your eyes and i know i dont have to say anything, i miss you. till youre back, please dont do anything too naughty with your macdonald guy -winks- and call me! i had the best day of my life today. (here's a cliched song for you..)
as we go on,
we remember
all the times we
had together
and as our lives change
come whatever
we will still be
friends forever :)
and i really really mean it, girl.
anyway. shall not ruin the entry. here's to my bestie..this is like, the most cliched thing ever but! love you always, babe. there's so much i couldnt say before you leave, but you know right? so here goes, 4 years, so much happened..so much to say, so little time, the words just dont come out..but one look in your eyes and i know i dont have to say anything, i miss you. till youre back, please dont do anything too naughty with your macdonald guy -winks- and call me! i had the best day of my life today. (here's a cliched song for you..)
we remember
all the times we
had together
and as our lives change
come whatever
we will still be
friends forever :)
and i really really mean it, girl.
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
TEN 10 DAYS FROM NOW (change of date :D)
-//im not in love, this time, this night.
just had class..the kids were totally craving for attention. except from this cute little girl who was so quiet i kinda felt sorry for her. anyway. totally drained after 2 hours of math with like, only 3 primary school kids..-falls flat on floor-
dyed hair w my sis..i really really hope i dont turn out like some ah lian! sheesh. anyway, gotta collect my dress in 3 days time. cant wait to see! want it to turn out nice so badly..
im like sooo lackadaisical right now. not to mention lethargic. mm but im loving every minute of it. haha. but sometimes i still get that unsettling sense of urge to go study for the o levels! like maybe there's a secret subject that i havent taken and i didnt know. okay stop it.
my purrfectly manicured nails were pretty and glossy but .. it somehow lost its shine :'( ahh. what a tragedy! i realise to do sound bimbotic as i whine in dismay when a corner of my nail colour chips off. but it. is. very. depressing..! sigh. steph sq kermin, our nails need to grow quick so we can go do french manicures before grad night! haha. and i need to pluck my brows badly. and also shave like, all over. cant seem to find my kitten heelies anywhere. damn. hopefully vnc will surreptitiously display theirs in a corner so that no one will buy till i go and get the right colour and all. haha. evil me. anyway let me recount..my memory is failing me..
went swimming ystd i think. yea. and sauna-ing too..like the old times with the girls (lao peng you..haha) totally braised in there. suddenly remember something. steph! yer boobies! -gasp- hee. anyhow. shall subtly mention that ive failed miserably at swimming since i havent swam those one shot 10, 20 laps kinda swimming session since like, primary school. and thanks to the mocks/prelims/o levels preparation, i havent moved a muscle. but im proud to say ive been exercising regularly ever since! by walking/running/skipping/dragging feet/jogging/climbing/ambling about from shop to shop, shopping centre to shopping centre, house to house, eatery to eatery, traffic light after traffic light..okay you get the picture. (my arms are STILL aching from lugging those 4 crazily heavy books that steph lent me around town the whole day..) i only like, rest my legs to sleep or to sit on the seats in shoe shops. okay, practically la. and not too long ago, i was stupid enough to wear heels to shop! imagine the agony. almost 14hours in them. and on that day, we THOUGHT we were late for our manicure appointment and RAN from far east to hollywood secrets..traumatised. hmm anyway..been out with (ree, im so sorry..we shall make it another day k?) steph sq & kermin..aileen (for those impromtu dinners..heh heh. sorry and thanks) and ystd with tings! watched the shutter..omg that show is A FREAK SHOW. we were both huddled under my M size jkt throughout the movie, squeezing each other's hands and peeking through our fingers to catch sights of that HORRIBLE GRUESOME face. and screaming scare after scare..okay maybe i was the only one screaming but she was the one breaking out in cold sweat. haha funny. love you, darling :) and also, the discovery of THE red mango top. -nods. ooh and bumped into rol&co! hi sweetie -waves-
i wonder when will britney spears' curious be introduced in the local mkt..hope its not too late. oh well. anyway.
haha sudden delirious outburst.
steph hello girlie! you signed! :D haha yea yer megan is v high and erm affectionate..and sooo cutee!! (esp whn it plays with the cadbury toy..) you need to get it a hairband or something to show off its adorable head! instead of letting its mane cover everything up..haha. me and my ridiculous ideas..anyway. im ALREADY working..and dying at the same time. kids -shakes head- and dnt b upset with your haircut la..hope i didnt just remind you of it. maybe the hairdresser needed the money to save his erm, bed bound mother or something. so its for a good cause! and anyway its nice. and you need to think about your dress..the 'sulphur' one at bcbg was nice la you! (and so were your boobies. ok i didnt just say that..) but yea its a little too whatever for a secondary school graduation..but only a little la. nicee! i dyed my hair today..diy-ed with my sis..hope it doesnt screw up ._. cos its still wet now so cant really see the diff..please! my hair is UTTERLY GROSS. thick and humongous and untamed..sq was v disapproving of my hair when attempting to blow dry them curved inward :( 'untamed hair!' she exclaimed, shaking her head. haha omg i forgot how to spell head..i typed haid. sheesh! and im loving yer bring it on :D i really really love jesse bradford. he's like, THE ultimate cutest to me..haha. he was even hotter in swimfan. mm sigh. my nails arent "perfectly manicured anymore"! how i long for that night when we were happily waving it around. its ruined! :( but ahh we're going for french right?? :D so www this thurs? lovee ya babe! :)
nana excuse me. youve been procrastinating me. haha. and yes, her name is cameron diaz. i think she sucks cos she is wayy too ditzy for my liking. got more than a little annoyed watching her. yes i agree! she doesnt have nice breathtaking smiles lor. lucy liu does.
mm. feeling rather worn out. so stayed home today to hopefully get some colour..busy busy week..off to watch bring it on again! jesse bradford is THE cutest.
-//im not in love, this time, this night.
just had class..the kids were totally craving for attention. except from this cute little girl who was so quiet i kinda felt sorry for her. anyway. totally drained after 2 hours of math with like, only 3 primary school kids..-falls flat on floor-
dyed hair w my sis..i really really hope i dont turn out like some ah lian! sheesh. anyway, gotta collect my dress in 3 days time. cant wait to see! want it to turn out nice so badly..
im like sooo lackadaisical right now. not to mention lethargic. mm but im loving every minute of it. haha. but sometimes i still get that unsettling sense of urge to go study for the o levels! like maybe there's a secret subject that i havent taken and i didnt know. okay stop it.
my purrfectly manicured nails were pretty and glossy but .. it somehow lost its shine :'( ahh. what a tragedy! i realise to do sound bimbotic as i whine in dismay when a corner of my nail colour chips off. but it. is. very. depressing..! sigh. steph sq kermin, our nails need to grow quick so we can go do french manicures before grad night! haha. and i need to pluck my brows badly. and also shave like, all over. cant seem to find my kitten heelies anywhere. damn. hopefully vnc will surreptitiously display theirs in a corner so that no one will buy till i go and get the right colour and all. haha. evil me. anyway let me recount..my memory is failing me..
went swimming ystd i think. yea. and sauna-ing too..like the old times with the girls (lao peng you..haha) totally braised in there. suddenly remember something. steph! yer boobies! -gasp- hee. anyhow. shall subtly mention that ive failed miserably at swimming since i havent swam those one shot 10, 20 laps kinda swimming session since like, primary school. and thanks to the mocks/prelims/o levels preparation, i havent moved a muscle. but im proud to say ive been exercising regularly ever since! by walking/running/skipping/dragging feet/jogging/climbing/ambling about from shop to shop, shopping centre to shopping centre, house to house, eatery to eatery, traffic light after traffic light..okay you get the picture. (my arms are STILL aching from lugging those 4 crazily heavy books that steph lent me around town the whole day..) i only like, rest my legs to sleep or to sit on the seats in shoe shops. okay, practically la. and not too long ago, i was stupid enough to wear heels to shop! imagine the agony. almost 14hours in them. and on that day, we THOUGHT we were late for our manicure appointment and RAN from far east to hollywood secrets..traumatised. hmm anyway..been out with (ree, im so sorry..we shall make it another day k?) steph sq & kermin..aileen (for those impromtu dinners..heh heh. sorry and thanks) and ystd with tings! watched the shutter..omg that show is A FREAK SHOW. we were both huddled under my M size jkt throughout the movie, squeezing each other's hands and peeking through our fingers to catch sights of that HORRIBLE GRUESOME face. and screaming scare after scare..okay maybe i was the only one screaming but she was the one breaking out in cold sweat. haha funny. love you, darling :) and also, the discovery of THE red mango top. -nods. ooh and bumped into rol&co! hi sweetie -waves-
i wonder when will britney spears' curious be introduced in the local mkt..hope its not too late. oh well. anyway.
haha sudden delirious outburst.
steph hello girlie! you signed! :D haha yea yer megan is v high and erm affectionate..and sooo cutee!! (esp whn it plays with the cadbury toy..) you need to get it a hairband or something to show off its adorable head! instead of letting its mane cover everything up..haha. me and my ridiculous ideas..anyway. im ALREADY working..and dying at the same time. kids -shakes head- and dnt b upset with your haircut la..hope i didnt just remind you of it. maybe the hairdresser needed the money to save his erm, bed bound mother or something. so its for a good cause! and anyway its nice. and you need to think about your dress..the 'sulphur' one at bcbg was nice la you! (and so were your boobies. ok i didnt just say that..) but yea its a little too whatever for a secondary school graduation..but only a little la. nicee! i dyed my hair today..diy-ed with my sis..hope it doesnt screw up ._. cos its still wet now so cant really see the diff..please! my hair is UTTERLY GROSS. thick and humongous and untamed..sq was v disapproving of my hair when attempting to blow dry them curved inward :( 'untamed hair!' she exclaimed, shaking her head. haha omg i forgot how to spell head..i typed haid. sheesh! and im loving yer bring it on :D i really really love jesse bradford. he's like, THE ultimate cutest to me..haha. he was even hotter in swimfan. mm sigh. my nails arent "perfectly manicured anymore"! how i long for that night when we were happily waving it around. its ruined! :( but ahh we're going for french right?? :D so www this thurs? lovee ya babe! :)
nana excuse me. youve been procrastinating me. haha. and yes, her name is cameron diaz. i think she sucks cos she is wayy too ditzy for my liking. got more than a little annoyed watching her. yes i agree! she doesnt have nice breathtaking smiles lor. lucy liu does.
mm. feeling rather worn out. so stayed home today to hopefully get some colour..busy busy week..off to watch bring it on again! jesse bradford is THE cutest.
Friday, November 19, 2004
10 DAYS FROM NOW (oh my god)
huh. why did blogger change again?
anywayyyy its finally over :D
never felt so relieved in my life.
but not exactly like overly happy or anything over that prospect. dno why.
but psyched!
shopping, tanning, everything la.
wanna catch taxi and shutter! heard all the fab reviews..gisele bunchen. hot hot!
wild wild wet-ing tmrw :D :D
exciting exciting!
and im gna have the sims 2
when i get my hands on it, its time to hibernate at home and get my arse glued to the chair.
had like, a feast just now. i hpe you catch my sacarsm. ate awful jap food at cine. never ever stepping food in there again. and what service?? you must be kidding. oh well. mm i love tangs' xmas decorations ths year. thrs like, an excerpt from the bible in yellowish shiny light. all very pretty -nods. its all so fairy-tale! and thr was this unknown funfair going on near wheelocks. ths super brave girl was singing her heart out though people were just walking away and the turnout was kinda disheartening. steph's idol. haha. and i'd say that xmas tree behind the stage there was the prettiest! butterflies with light! :) oh! bought ths choker for grad. :) left with studs and shoesies!
right gna surf for a while and hit the sacks
huh. why did blogger change again?
anywayyyy its finally over :D
never felt so relieved in my life.
but not exactly like overly happy or anything over that prospect. dno why.
but psyched!
shopping, tanning, everything la.
wanna catch taxi and shutter! heard all the fab reviews..gisele bunchen. hot hot!
wild wild wet-ing tmrw :D :D
exciting exciting!
and im gna have the sims 2
when i get my hands on it, its time to hibernate at home and get my arse glued to the chair.
had like, a feast just now. i hpe you catch my sacarsm. ate awful jap food at cine. never ever stepping food in there again. and what service?? you must be kidding. oh well. mm i love tangs' xmas decorations ths year. thrs like, an excerpt from the bible in yellowish shiny light. all very pretty -nods. its all so fairy-tale! and thr was this unknown funfair going on near wheelocks. ths super brave girl was singing her heart out though people were just walking away and the turnout was kinda disheartening. steph's idol. haha. and i'd say that xmas tree behind the stage there was the prettiest! butterflies with light! :) oh! bought ths choker for grad. :) left with studs and shoesies!
right gna surf for a while and hit the sacks
Saturday, November 13, 2004
EIGHTEEN 18 DAYS from now.
my mum finally noticed that i have bangs well above my eyebrows now
and her comments were 'i thought the same?'
sis is so very into online shopping now .. its like the stocks for her. constantly checking out the bids ._.
dad got a gold car. i think there seems to be a pattern in the colour of cars he choose to buy. its as though he thinks they are a symbol of prosperity or something. err i dont know the older generation .. hope i could end up like this too when i age! oh my.
anyway. needed to exult a little .. got my grad dress settled! :D
yay no more nightmares of wearing identical dresses (i do hpe no one tailors the same design!!) with anyone else (imagine the turmoil especially when the other person looks stunning while i look like a rice sack) or finding some trash off the rack in my desperation not to wear a towel. hope the tailor does a good job and that it'll turn out like i wanted to. cos i think she conned my money (not that i paid the deposit .. they didnt accept nets)!
aileen : thanks for accompanying and everything (nissa too) pay you back asap!
mm, just had tuition. thank god for tuition or i wouldve thrown amath outta the window. yknow the mindset nw is aiyah only paper 2 left .. study sciences first. not that im actually doing a good job with drilling chemistry and physics facts in my brains ..
let me recount what i did ystd .. oh went to study with ree at our usual delifrance corner .. were happily watching people trip over the step when they enter. like at least 10 people tripped! haha. and their natural response would be to look up, feigning nonchalance and check to see if anyone caught them in their moment of embarassment. and of course, the 2 of us would be looking back and hiding our smiles. heh heh. we're so evil. at least we didnt laugh in their faces .. anyway happy 14 mths, girl :) (so so sorry for holding you back in the loo due to my disastrous hair) and she was damn lame .. she slipped her pullover over her head and tapped me from the back, thinking she wouldve transformed some sort of freaky ghost by doing just that and reduce me to tears or something .. i dont know. but i, on the other hand, thought she got stuck in the pullover so i tugged it down with such might and then silently prided myself for my sudden apparent strength while returning to my physics ten year series. then we both kept quiet for a moment then she asked 'you not scared arh?' hahaha. sheesh! really lame but i thought it was hilarious. was so freaking bewildered .. scared for what?? were laughing like retards when we found out. okay think im deprived of laughter so stuff like that make me laugh even as im typing now .. ._. saw sq! she was going for french ! that smartypants is gonna ace her french, i tell you.
aights. going out for dinner soon. gotta do some physics&chem when im back or i'd like, die of guilt.
my mum finally noticed that i have bangs well above my eyebrows now
and her comments were 'i thought the same?'
sis is so very into online shopping now .. its like the stocks for her. constantly checking out the bids ._.
dad got a gold car. i think there seems to be a pattern in the colour of cars he choose to buy. its as though he thinks they are a symbol of prosperity or something. err i dont know the older generation .. hope i could end up like this too when i age! oh my.
anyway. needed to exult a little .. got my grad dress settled! :D
yay no more nightmares of wearing identical dresses (i do hpe no one tailors the same design!!) with anyone else (imagine the turmoil especially when the other person looks stunning while i look like a rice sack) or finding some trash off the rack in my desperation not to wear a towel. hope the tailor does a good job and that it'll turn out like i wanted to. cos i think she conned my money (not that i paid the deposit .. they didnt accept nets)!
aileen : thanks for accompanying and everything (nissa too) pay you back asap!
mm, just had tuition. thank god for tuition or i wouldve thrown amath outta the window. yknow the mindset nw is aiyah only paper 2 left .. study sciences first. not that im actually doing a good job with drilling chemistry and physics facts in my brains ..
let me recount what i did ystd .. oh went to study with ree at our usual delifrance corner .. were happily watching people trip over the step when they enter. like at least 10 people tripped! haha. and their natural response would be to look up, feigning nonchalance and check to see if anyone caught them in their moment of embarassment. and of course, the 2 of us would be looking back and hiding our smiles. heh heh. we're so evil. at least we didnt laugh in their faces .. anyway happy 14 mths, girl :) (so so sorry for holding you back in the loo due to my disastrous hair) and she was damn lame .. she slipped her pullover over her head and tapped me from the back, thinking she wouldve transformed some sort of freaky ghost by doing just that and reduce me to tears or something .. i dont know. but i, on the other hand, thought she got stuck in the pullover so i tugged it down with such might and then silently prided myself for my sudden apparent strength while returning to my physics ten year series. then we both kept quiet for a moment then she asked 'you not scared arh?' hahaha. sheesh! really lame but i thought it was hilarious. was so freaking bewildered .. scared for what?? were laughing like retards when we found out. okay think im deprived of laughter so stuff like that make me laugh even as im typing now .. ._. saw sq! she was going for french ! that smartypants is gonna ace her french, i tell you.
aights. going out for dinner soon. gotta do some physics&chem when im back or i'd like, die of guilt.
Thursday, November 11, 2004
-// im trying not to fade away as we do;
im trying not to care as i find out more and more each day that you dont.
great. happily rambled this long entry and it disappeared.
bought new glamour! (aileen, i owe you. remind me!) its my new favourite mag. cos its gripping and everything i want in a magazine. (and it smells really nice too, dnt knw why) still buy teenvogue though. haha. mini mags rocks! :)
okay that was really cheesy.
hmm. hope to settle my dress tmrw. though greyish doesnt match baby baby pink..! tsk.
im totally loving without you by kimberly locke and clay aiken. i knw im slow but it suddenly appeals. like some magical broadway song. or some disney song composed for beauty and the beast. or sleeping beauty. yknow what i mean. mm. replaying and replaying it. haha
you tell me its okay.
it wasnt what i wanted to hear.
baby stop stinging.
anyway was watching spore idol..havent been catching that show for some time and ive never been a fan of sylvester (he really does look like a typical spore cheena guy whose favourite shirt would be a pink Pure Milk tee or something though it might not be the case) but i was so melting when he delivered his rendition of jay chou's song! jeez.
and the champion was so saddening! was like, trying not to cry (but to no avail) when that ah long and jingwen's dad died. sheesh. now jingwen is the sole breadwinner of the family! shes young, studying, teaching swimming lessons, in a swim team and has to provide for her 2 other siblings! i'd like, die. and shes really pretty, that jeanette aw. only 3 more episodes to the finale! thank goodness toro found out that yilin maligned fiona xie regarding the stupid steroids.
and just because someone loves you doesnt mean you do. just because you dont doesnt mean they arent the nicest you'd ever get. they usually are. just because you like someone doesnt mean they really do too. just because youre used to being treated like the people in the first genre do means they are like that too. theyre usually not.
mm. anyway.
wanted to say something but i forgot.
what was it??
There's always that one person
that will always have your heart
You never see it coming,
cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me,
it's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby, you will always be my boo
I don't know about y'all
but I know about us and uhh
it's the only way we know how to rock
ooh! i finally recalled whats the smell ive been sniffing at home. its my lancome! shall go back to using that trusty ol' scent. growing kinda sick of RL blue. (btw RL blue for males rocks rocks rocks)
haha! i discovered the ability to conceal. magic blog. quite fun!
mm. ignore me.
im in a terrible crappy mood. just typing whatever i feel like typing. the points dont even link. haha. on quite a roll.
nana : thanks for asking and being there. i really really needed it (though practically nobody else seems to care to knw what it is that i need..) ok nvm. im depressed. or maybe im just trying not to be depressed. mm i dno. anw, you arh. im not little twit k. box you.
im trying not to care as i find out more and more each day that you dont.
great. happily rambled this long entry and it disappeared.
bought new glamour! (aileen, i owe you. remind me!) its my new favourite mag. cos its gripping and everything i want in a magazine. (and it smells really nice too, dnt knw why) still buy teenvogue though. haha. mini mags rocks! :)
okay that was really cheesy.
hmm. hope to settle my dress tmrw. though greyish doesnt match baby baby pink..! tsk.
im totally loving without you by kimberly locke and clay aiken. i knw im slow but it suddenly appeals. like some magical broadway song. or some disney song composed for beauty and the beast. or sleeping beauty. yknow what i mean. mm. replaying and replaying it. haha
you tell me its okay.
it wasnt what i wanted to hear.
baby stop stinging.
anyway was watching spore idol..havent been catching that show for some time and ive never been a fan of sylvester (he really does look like a typical spore cheena guy whose favourite shirt would be a pink Pure Milk tee or something though it might not be the case) but i was so melting when he delivered his rendition of jay chou's song! jeez.
and the champion was so saddening! was like, trying not to cry (but to no avail) when that ah long and jingwen's dad died. sheesh. now jingwen is the sole breadwinner of the family! shes young, studying, teaching swimming lessons, in a swim team and has to provide for her 2 other siblings! i'd like, die. and shes really pretty, that jeanette aw. only 3 more episodes to the finale! thank goodness toro found out that yilin maligned fiona xie regarding the stupid steroids.
and just because someone loves you doesnt mean you do. just because you dont doesnt mean they arent the nicest you'd ever get. they usually are. just because you like someone doesnt mean they really do too. just because youre used to being treated like the people in the first genre do means they are like that too. theyre usually not.
mm. anyway.
wanted to say something but i forgot.
what was it??
There's always that one person
that will always have your heart
You never see it coming,
cause you're blinded from the start
Know that you're that one for me,
it's clear for everyone to see
Ooh baby, you will always be my boo
I don't know about y'all
but I know about us and uhh
it's the only way we know how to rock
ooh! i finally recalled whats the smell ive been sniffing at home. its my lancome! shall go back to using that trusty ol' scent. growing kinda sick of RL blue. (btw RL blue for males rocks rocks rocks)
haha! i discovered the ability to conceal. magic blog. quite fun!
mm. ignore me.
im in a terrible crappy mood. just typing whatever i feel like typing. the points dont even link. haha. on quite a roll.
nana : thanks for asking and being there. i really really needed it (though practically nobody else seems to care to knw what it is that i need..) ok nvm. im depressed. or maybe im just trying not to be depressed. mm i dno. anw, you arh. im not little twit k. box you.
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
chopped off my fringe!
it wasnt supposed to be this way but the hairdresser made the choice for me.
happily insisting that i'll look like some girl next door instead of ah lian.
like real.
i really hope nobody mistakes me as some ah lian
though there were already some confirmations on the day just before i got my bangs. oh god. traumatising.
but i guess its not that bad cos everyone thought it was nicer than my previous 'gangly' fringe (as quoted by my very nice bestie) and now that my hair is growing longer, i discover that it have wavy hair! ugh, how gross. like the bottom curls about according to its own will. and its not nice curls like people get when they do ceramic perming. this is really gross. gta think of wht to do with these unsightly curls.
sigh. shall stop incessantly prattling..
ooh. got new wallet! (its stussy, pink with stars ;D) and like, other stuff too.
happy :)
btw caught cellular and doll master over the weekend. cellular's really good! (theres this super hottie in it! really cute and good bod. shall check out his name soon. haha) though the woman's acting skills quite dusty. doll master was the usual scare and i was not freaked out at all! right? -nudges a certain someone.
and i shall start mugging hard now
in hopes to effectively replace all the guilt..
- geog and physics papers on 17th (VERY taxing day. will prolly be in a bad mood after it all :(
- amath paper 2 on 18th
- (LAST PAPER!) chem on 19th
and im done.
tanning, xmas shopping!, trimming eyebrows, manicures, shopping, swimming, catching up with friends, SLEEPING, blah blah, here i come..hehe.
is this thing on? ...
i love rock and roll
so put another dime in the jukebox baby
i love rock and roll
so come on take the time and dance with me :D
right. maybe i should stop fantasizing first and be more practical now..
nana : nobody bullied me :D im happy, y'see. saw tanny ystd and said hi btw. she was oh-so greeeen. haha. we shall go your house and carry out a friends-and-stuff-ourselves-with-food marathon kayy?
chopped off my fringe!
it wasnt supposed to be this way but the hairdresser made the choice for me.
happily insisting that i'll look like some girl next door instead of ah lian.
like real.
i really hope nobody mistakes me as some ah lian
though there were already some confirmations on the day just before i got my bangs. oh god. traumatising.
but i guess its not that bad cos everyone thought it was nicer than my previous 'gangly' fringe (as quoted by my very nice bestie) and now that my hair is growing longer, i discover that it have wavy hair! ugh, how gross. like the bottom curls about according to its own will. and its not nice curls like people get when they do ceramic perming. this is really gross. gta think of wht to do with these unsightly curls.
sigh. shall stop incessantly prattling..
ooh. got new wallet! (its stussy, pink with stars ;D) and like, other stuff too.
happy :)
btw caught cellular and doll master over the weekend. cellular's really good! (theres this super hottie in it! really cute and good bod. shall check out his name soon. haha) though the woman's acting skills quite dusty. doll master was the usual scare and i was not freaked out at all! right? -nudges a certain someone.
and i shall start mugging hard now
in hopes to effectively replace all the guilt..
- geog and physics papers on 17th (VERY taxing day. will prolly be in a bad mood after it all :(
- amath paper 2 on 18th
- (LAST PAPER!) chem on 19th
and im done.
tanning, xmas shopping!, trimming eyebrows, manicures, shopping, swimming, catching up with friends, SLEEPING, blah blah, here i come..hehe.
is this thing on? ...
i love rock and roll
so put another dime in the jukebox baby
i love rock and roll
so come on take the time and dance with me :D
right. maybe i should stop fantasizing first and be more practical now..
nana : nobody bullied me :D im happy, y'see. saw tanny ystd and said hi btw. she was oh-so greeeen. haha. we shall go your house and carry out a friends-and-stuff-ourselves-with-food marathon kayy?
Saturday, November 06, 2004
-// procrastinated and also procrastinating in this predicament.
Gonna try
Run and hide
Get away from this
I'll get by
In this life
This time
i need to stop acting as though o's has ended and that my worries are all in another universe. happily went shopping today. bought a bag and a top and rubber bands to last me an entire lifetime and 2 books. obviously, was totally extremely EXUBERANT and GAY but now im totally guilt tripping. but i did an emath paper2! okay, like wow -rolls eyes- and yesterday i happily went to help to buy somebody's (i dnt even knw her) birthday present. not that i minded cos ystd was a day to relax after the prev taxing week (im just recaping)..and okay yea and i bought a top while doing that too. oh no this is very very bad. this is what happens to slack-proclived people like me when there is only one paper for the whole of next week.
argh. thats it. i proclaim tomorrow as mugging day. absolutely.
hmm. throat hurts.
anyways papers were quite okay
except for, i reiterate, the freaking higher chinese paper.
and some others that were partially un-okay. and i know i wont do well la. but yes im sleepy and dnt knw what i blubbering about.
so, night.
yes, i have a very tough mugging day tomorrow.
i need my emath!
Gonna try
Run and hide
Get away from this
I'll get by
In this life
This time
i need to stop acting as though o's has ended and that my worries are all in another universe. happily went shopping today. bought a bag and a top and rubber bands to last me an entire lifetime and 2 books. obviously, was totally extremely EXUBERANT and GAY but now im totally guilt tripping. but i did an emath paper2! okay, like wow -rolls eyes- and yesterday i happily went to help to buy somebody's (i dnt even knw her) birthday present. not that i minded cos ystd was a day to relax after the prev taxing week (im just recaping)..and okay yea and i bought a top while doing that too. oh no this is very very bad. this is what happens to slack-proclived people like me when there is only one paper for the whole of next week.
argh. thats it. i proclaim tomorrow as mugging day. absolutely.
hmm. throat hurts.
anyways papers were quite okay
except for, i reiterate, the freaking higher chinese paper.
and some others that were partially un-okay. and i know i wont do well la. but yes im sleepy and dnt knw what i blubbering about.
so, night.
yes, i have a very tough mugging day tomorrow.
i need my emath!
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
-// pick yourself up and go.
in the midst of o's..
ahh! cant believe im doing it already.
higher chinese was like shit ystd. compo was like HUH.
ss was okay i guess. haha japan industrial development! :)
was talking to linwei whn i bumped into her while taking the bus home..shes very cute. friends and america's next top model and sex and the city. hahah.
tings is leaving a month from now..
and i feel like im breaking apart.
not like anybody cares anyway.
yup. off.
in the midst of o's..
ahh! cant believe im doing it already.
higher chinese was like shit ystd. compo was like HUH.
ss was okay i guess. haha japan industrial development! :)
was talking to linwei whn i bumped into her while taking the bus home..shes very cute. friends and america's next top model and sex and the city. hahah.
tings is leaving a month from now..
and i feel like im breaking apart.
not like anybody cares anyway.
yup. off.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
-// i hate the way you dont seem like you care.
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
Baby I don't know why you treatin me so bad
You said you love me, no one above me
And I was all you had
And though my heart is eating for you
I can't stop crying
I don't know how
I allow you to treat me this way and still i stay
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
Baby I don't know why you wanna do me wrong
See when I'm home, I'm all alone
And you are always gone
Andboy, you know I really love you
I can't deny
I can't see how you could bring me to so many tears
after all these years
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
I trusted you, I trusted you
So sad, so sad
what love will make you do
all the things that we accept
be the things that we regret
See, when I get the strength to leave
You always tell me that you need me
And I'm weak cause I believe you
And I'm mad because I love you
So I stop and think that maybe
You can learn to appreciate me
Then it all remains the same that
You ain't never gonna change
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
Baby why you hurt me leave me and desert me
Boy I gave you all my heart
And all you do is tear it up
Looking out my window
Knowing that I should go
Even when I pack my bags
There's something always holding me back
ahaha finally online :D
my sis and i happily forgot the password.
and i feel like some cavewoman.
my sister just made me retype password. cos i typed pw initially and she was like gasping in horror 'no no pls dont type that!' cos it looked like pw. as in, project work. haha lameness.
AND its during the times when you need people around you
that you find out who your real friends are and if they really do care.
thanks, everyone who was there :)
think i cmi to sa alr la :(
-super sad frown.
heard the cut off is currently 11 or smth! madness. even if its for science, arts ll prob be like 13..
what am i to do with 15! guess its cj for now..but people have been telling me horror stories about the strict discipline and stuff. like ejedhiuhg -scrunches face-
rushing off to tuition soon!
then gonna meet ree to study. (sorry, sweetie boy boy and ah girl. pls continue painting hard / facial-ing hard without ma around..haha)
super freaked out, everything begins on monday ._.
so not prepared..this is bad! (ooh. that rhymed!)
lucks, everyone!
and oh before i forget..
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY MY EVER DEAREST DARLING TINGS..huang shang'r, summer or whatever nicknames we constantly come up with..SWEET SIXTEEN! may you be as pretty as summer (rachel bilson) or cecilia cheung and find macon in the states. hahas. youre the best :) lovee!
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
Baby I don't know why you treatin me so bad
You said you love me, no one above me
And I was all you had
And though my heart is eating for you
I don't know how
I allow you to treat me this way and still i stay
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
Baby I don't know why you wanna do me wrong
See when I'm home, I'm all alone
And you are always gone
I can't deny
I can't see how you could bring me to so many tears
after all these years
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
I trusted you, I trusted you
So sad, so sad
what love will make you do
all the things that we accept
be the things that we regret
See, when I get the strength to leave
You always tell me that you need me
And I'm weak cause I believe you
And I'm mad because I love you
So I stop and think that maybe
You can learn to appreciate me
Then it all remains the same that
You ain't never gonna change
See my days are cold without you
But I'm hurtin while im with you
And though my heart can't take no more
I keep on running back to you
Baby why you hurt me leave me and desert me
Boy I gave you all my heart
And all you do is tear it up
Looking out my window
Knowing that I should go
Even when I pack my bags
There's something always holding me back
ahaha finally online :D
my sis and i happily forgot the password.
and i feel like some cavewoman.
my sister just made me retype password. cos i typed pw initially and she was like gasping in horror 'no no pls dont type that!' cos it looked like pw. as in, project work. haha lameness.
AND its during the times when you need people around you
that you find out who your real friends are and if they really do care.
thanks, everyone who was there :)
think i cmi to sa alr la :(
-super sad frown.
heard the cut off is currently 11 or smth! madness. even if its for science, arts ll prob be like 13..
what am i to do with 15! guess its cj for now..but people have been telling me horror stories about the strict discipline and stuff. like ejedhiuhg -scrunches face-
rushing off to tuition soon!
then gonna meet ree to study. (sorry, sweetie boy boy and ah girl. pls continue painting hard / facial-ing hard without ma around..haha)
super freaked out, everything begins on monday ._.
so not prepared..this is bad! (ooh. that rhymed!)
lucks, everyone!
and oh before i forget..
HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY MY EVER DEAREST DARLING TINGS..huang shang'r, summer or whatever nicknames we constantly come up with..SWEET SIXTEEN! may you be as pretty as summer (rachel bilson) or cecilia cheung and find macon in the states. hahas. youre the best :) lovee!
Sunday, October 10, 2004
Saturday, October 09, 2004
im sorry i dont want to apologise anymore ; for myself, for you.
things were so fine but its not now. i dont know where it all went. im so tired of all the hotness and coldness brewing, i dont know what to expect. this feels foreign, you feel foreign. its like dont know you anymore.
crying, everyday of your life, they say.
puffy eyes are ugly.
well, time for a revamp.
Friday, October 08, 2004
and im really sorry i affect your moods cos im way too sensitive (and also insenstive at the same time), cos i complain a lot, cos im not as good as the other (ie looks and everything else too), cos i dont understand, cos i always screw things up, cos its always me and my crap shit..
but i have feelings too.
i cant help but think the things that i think, cant help mood swinging, cant help feeling very very rotten over horrid results and being rotten to you too..
i try not to and i hate it but its a part of me, of what i do.
and i hope everything will be okay from now,
i really really really
need you.
love, lotsss.
online blogging again!
think im addicted to this stuff.
kinda happy with my l1r5
though its not fantastic like the pure breeds (heard they even told the bread stall aunty about their 6 points..god!) ..or glam like my single digit bestie..or wai the brain..but overall, i fared better than i thought i would! its the math..haha. mrs koh rocks! :D (actually tings and i decided st nicks is really great..the people, the tchers, the food and the place! think it took us 4 years of saying it sucks to change our minds..still not too late right? haha) and my mum wanted me to get 12! like er, very funny huh. just hope i can get to sajc for the first 3 mths! though i guess its kinda impossible, me against the 13s and 14s who would prob be signing up for sa too.. :( oh well. hope some moderation would be done..or maybe they'd all decided to go acjc and not deprive me of a place! bent on getting in there.
anyways. went far east after it all..had waffle at gelare (i knw hw to pronounce it nw k, da!) and tom yam upstairs w tings :) uh, think we both fare rather badly at being street smart..
right. and im gonna have dinner now! swear im getting fat. bleahh.
need to really really start some serious mugging! been super slack since the prelims ended..focus focus. vying with the other DRAGON BABIES..rolls eyes.
anyway, this is for da, dinah, laine, syl and some others sorry i cant recall now..dont worry, really. the sch has some um, committee tht serves to help us so lets hope they'll help! pls dont cry anymore k? it'll be okay! -group hug!
think im addicted to this stuff.
kinda happy with my l1r5
though its not fantastic like the pure breeds (heard they even told the bread stall aunty about their 6 points..god!) ..or glam like my single digit bestie..or wai the brain..but overall, i fared better than i thought i would! its the math..haha. mrs koh rocks! :D (actually tings and i decided st nicks is really great..the people, the tchers, the food and the place! think it took us 4 years of saying it sucks to change our minds..still not too late right? haha) and my mum wanted me to get 12! like er, very funny huh. just hope i can get to sajc for the first 3 mths! though i guess its kinda impossible, me against the 13s and 14s who would prob be signing up for sa too.. :( oh well. hope some moderation would be done..or maybe they'd all decided to go acjc and not deprive me of a place! bent on getting in there.
anyways. went far east after it all..had waffle at gelare (i knw hw to pronounce it nw k, da!) and tom yam upstairs w tings :) uh, think we both fare rather badly at being street smart..
right. and im gonna have dinner now! swear im getting fat. bleahh.
need to really really start some serious mugging! been super slack since the prelims ended..focus focus. vying with the other DRAGON BABIES..rolls eyes.
anyway, this is for da, dinah, laine, syl and some others sorry i cant recall now..dont worry, really. the sch has some um, committee tht serves to help us so lets hope they'll help! pls dont cry anymore k? it'll be okay! -group hug!
Thursday, October 07, 2004
//make it good, make it good.
decided to come online cos i have quite a lot to say..
oh guess what, im listening to aaron carter again. haha.
anyway today has been way too emotional..especially over here at our class
lotsa people crying, over grades, over friends, over friends crying..was quite a sight. and in the midst of crying i couldnt help but think if i wasnt in 4C but in some other pure breed class (i knw, how on earth wld i get thr in the first place?? but yknow. just an example), everyone would probably be shunning me and looking down on me instead of comforting me. i really think my class rocks actually.
so thanks, YINS esp (for listening to me rant since tuesday and always never giving up on me!! and also your very sweet list of quotes. haha) DINAH+MINA (you both give the best hugs..esp mina! i think i shall hug you more often. haha) SABRINA WEE (youre the best, dear. really.) REE! pls dont cry anymore -drives your headache away- they WILL help you after reviewing. okay? thanks for sayanging me..haha. mel, and the sixers, couldnt really remember in the blur haha. and sylvia please do cheer up. DADEEDOO..cheer up, you! and also, thanks, dsf!! and tings! for being the typical silly muddlehead..its really okay, im good now. its not your fault dear.
feel quite dumb doing like, the credits roll or something. but really, guys! thanks for letting me wet your pinafores, especially at the shoulder area. haha. realised that shows how short i am, my eyes are actually at their shoulder level! okay nvm crap.
REGARDLESS of the utterly DISAPPOINTING chem AND comb humans, i realised there are actually other stuff that brightened up my day! like the bus uncle insisting on giving me a free ride when i was digging in my wallet for coins and came up with only a one dollar coin, my friends, once again, for being superb people, my lit! (omg i love ms jeya), my carrot, for just being herself :) and ALSO, the fact tht there's the oc ltr!! yipee. so y'see. grades cannot make or break you. okay actually they can. but yea. just trying to be optimistic. so tht yins wont feel that her constant efforts of drilling and quotes have gone down the chute.
actually, im feeling highly hypocritical with that smile.
but whatever.
so, tomorrow, THE bomb..math+amath. oh and h.chi too. but worrying more on math cos i need to count one math for my l1r5..i really just want to pass. pleasey please..dont wanna cry anymore. crying is a tiresome and cumbersome task to do.
decided to come online cos i have quite a lot to say..
oh guess what, im listening to aaron carter again. haha.
anyway today has been way too emotional..especially over here at our class
lotsa people crying, over grades, over friends, over friends crying..was quite a sight. and in the midst of crying i couldnt help but think if i wasnt in 4C but in some other pure breed class (i knw, how on earth wld i get thr in the first place?? but yknow. just an example), everyone would probably be shunning me and looking down on me instead of comforting me. i really think my class rocks actually.
so thanks, YINS esp (for listening to me rant since tuesday and always never giving up on me!! and also your very sweet list of quotes. haha) DINAH+MINA (you both give the best hugs..esp mina! i think i shall hug you more often. haha) SABRINA WEE (youre the best, dear. really.) REE! pls dont cry anymore -drives your headache away- they WILL help you after reviewing. okay? thanks for sayanging me..haha. mel, and the sixers, couldnt really remember in the blur haha. and sylvia please do cheer up. DADEEDOO..cheer up, you! and also, thanks, dsf!! and tings! for being the typical silly muddlehead..its really okay, im good now. its not your fault dear.
feel quite dumb doing like, the credits roll or something. but really, guys! thanks for letting me wet your pinafores, especially at the shoulder area. haha. realised that shows how short i am, my eyes are actually at their shoulder level! okay nvm crap.
REGARDLESS of the utterly DISAPPOINTING chem AND comb humans, i realised there are actually other stuff that brightened up my day! like the bus uncle insisting on giving me a free ride when i was digging in my wallet for coins and came up with only a one dollar coin, my friends, once again, for being superb people, my lit! (omg i love ms jeya), my carrot, for just being herself :) and ALSO, the fact tht there's the oc ltr!! yipee. so y'see. grades cannot make or break you. okay actually they can. but yea. just trying to be optimistic. so tht yins wont feel that her constant efforts of drilling and quotes have gone down the chute.
actually, im feeling highly hypocritical with that smile.
but whatever.
so, tomorrow, THE bomb..math+amath. oh and h.chi too. but worrying more on math cos i need to count one math for my l1r5..i really just want to pass. pleasey please..dont wanna cry anymore. crying is a tiresome and cumbersome task to do.
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
tsk. dnt knw wht happened to my prev entry..just disappeared into thin air!
anyway the background is lana lang+clarke kent!
in case you cant see..
and i think you cant,
but whatever.
results were pretty o-kay.
though disappointed with english,
hanging on a thin line for my distinction for lit since jeya has yet to returned the other part of the paper (which im most prob gonna fare worse),
couldve gotten a grade higher for physics if i had written the units for the practical!
but whatever.
anyway the background is lana lang+clarke kent!
in case you cant see..
and i think you cant,
but whatever.
results were pretty o-kay.
though disappointed with english,
hanging on a thin line for my distinction for lit since jeya has yet to returned the other part of the paper (which im most prob gonna fare worse),
couldve gotten a grade higher for physics if i had written the units for the practical!
but whatever.
Monday, October 04, 2004
oh my goodness!
ms jacob said someone failed english compre terribly!
its GOT to be me. oh god. i knew it. this is veryvery depressing. what am i gonna do!!?
freaking out badly now.
TUGS AT HAIR, literally.
oh no actually i cant do that. cos my hair is already falling uncontrollably at an alarming rate due to my suspicious case of breast cancer (which is also believed to be the obstruction of the growth at you-know-where)
but whatever.
AHH! i need to calm down!!
but i really wanna go jc for my first 3 months :(
poof its over. (this reminds me of some nelly song i think. was it nelly?)
im sad and miserable.
gonna watch america's next top model now.
and get further depressed watching the hot babes sashaying about..
oh yes, darling.
happy 3rd month :)
hee. and remember our bet! no video taping k! deal!
ms jacob said someone failed english compre terribly!
its GOT to be me. oh god. i knew it. this is veryvery depressing. what am i gonna do!!?
freaking out badly now.
TUGS AT HAIR, literally.
oh no actually i cant do that. cos my hair is already falling uncontrollably at an alarming rate due to my suspicious case of breast cancer (which is also believed to be the obstruction of the growth at you-know-where)
but whatever.
AHH! i need to calm down!!
but i really wanna go jc for my first 3 months :(
poof its over. (this reminds me of some nelly song i think. was it nelly?)
im sad and miserable.
gonna watch america's next top model now.
and get further depressed watching the hot babes sashaying about..
oh yes, darling.
happy 3rd month :)
hee. and remember our bet! no video taping k! deal!
really sick and dying, so stayed at home.
yea, right.
perfect10's playing the collaboration of i dont wanna know and you should really know. i think it kinda screwed up the songs. (but da just cant stop singing the screwed up versh! all the time..sing till i went deaf..)
anyway. should i change my layout?
apt to, but really lazy to find..
found out gravity's sung by coldplay! coldplay rocks man. all their songs are damn good.
and then i looked up at the sun
and i could see
oh, the way that gravity turns on you and me
and then i looked up at the sun
and saw the sky
and the way that gravity pulls on you and i
on you and i
talked to stepo last friday..got all freaked out over our grad dresses. i cant seem to find anything anywhere! prob gonna tailor make it with dadeedoo. or else i'm gonna wear a towel on grad night ._.
anyway miss you, queenie! 23rd's a date :) or is it 26th? when's the openhouse actually? my sister doesnt even know! fainted.
getting back our prelim papers tomorrow..maybe i could just fast forward everything and get on with it. it wouldnt hurt to not know that i brilliantly flunk everything, right?
-crosses fingers.
hoping there'll be no tears!
but then, knowing me..sigh.
gonna meet carrot ltr..
hpe i wont disturb/annoy her :(
really sick and dying, so stayed at home.
yea, right.
perfect10's playing the collaboration of i dont wanna know and you should really know. i think it kinda screwed up the songs. (but da just cant stop singing the screwed up versh! all the time..sing till i went deaf..)
anyway. should i change my layout?
apt to, but really lazy to find..
found out gravity's sung by coldplay! coldplay rocks man. all their songs are damn good.
and then i looked up at the sun
and i could see
oh, the way that gravity turns on you and me
and then i looked up at the sun
and saw the sky
and the way that gravity pulls on you and i
on you and i
talked to stepo last friday..got all freaked out over our grad dresses. i cant seem to find anything anywhere! prob gonna tailor make it with dadeedoo. or else i'm gonna wear a towel on grad night ._.
anyway miss you, queenie! 23rd's a date :) or is it 26th? when's the openhouse actually? my sister doesnt even know! fainted.
getting back our prelim papers tomorrow..maybe i could just fast forward everything and get on with it. it wouldnt hurt to not know that i brilliantly flunk everything, right?
-crosses fingers.
hoping there'll be no tears!
but then, knowing me..sigh.
gonna meet carrot ltr..
hpe i wont disturb/annoy her :(
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
; shes so pretty and shes so sure
yippee! shopping galore today. hahaha. towned with tings..FINALLY had our waffle (its been yonks and the cute guy there has dissipated bt nvm, the waffle was fab. tho i think it feel empty without steph+sq. but oh well.) bought from ths shop at far east (we were so fickle! went to and fro to change the stuff i bought cos we cldnt decide which colour was nicer. haha but the shop tendor was v nice. she has nice lashes! okay maybe theyre fake but yea. nice la.), zara and mango! hee. as you can see, ive been quite deprived for a while. actually, been very terribly depressed. quite a shopaholic sometimes. anyway, theres friday with dadeedoo!! hahaha. i shall embark on a STRICT mission to find a nice tote instd of letting my eyes wander and buy everything else but that. haha.
very tired! wondering whether i should fall ill tmrw. haha
anyway replies to nanapok..
ANYWAYS. you do owe me a message k. its the other way round now. you made me reply you and then you ignore me??! whats this!? box you arh! haha. and PLEASE STOP imagining me as a slut or whtever! lame la you! eh. and when are we gonna study togth huh. -DIAOS YOU.
yippee! shopping galore today. hahaha. towned with tings..FINALLY had our waffle (its been yonks and the cute guy there has dissipated bt nvm, the waffle was fab. tho i think it feel empty without steph+sq. but oh well.) bought from ths shop at far east (we were so fickle! went to and fro to change the stuff i bought cos we cldnt decide which colour was nicer. haha but the shop tendor was v nice. she has nice lashes! okay maybe theyre fake but yea. nice la.), zara and mango! hee. as you can see, ive been quite deprived for a while. actually, been very terribly depressed. quite a shopaholic sometimes. anyway, theres friday with dadeedoo!! hahaha. i shall embark on a STRICT mission to find a nice tote instd of letting my eyes wander and buy everything else but that. haha.
very tired! wondering whether i should fall ill tmrw. haha
anyway replies to nanapok..
ANYWAYS. you do owe me a message k. its the other way round now. you made me reply you and then you ignore me??! whats this!? box you arh! haha. and PLEASE STOP imagining me as a slut or whtever! lame la you! eh. and when are we gonna study togth huh. -DIAOS YOU.
Friday, September 24, 2004
; vanessa carlton
Crashed on the floor when I moved in
This little bungalow with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's till the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day
Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke
I'm so excited, I haven't spoken
And she's so pretty, and she's so sure
Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her
The summer's all in bloom
The summer is ending soon
It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Maybe I'm a little bit over my head
I come undone at the things he said
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt
We were all in love and we all got hurt
I sneak into his car's cracked leather seat
The smell of gasoline in the summer heat
Boy, we're going way too fast
It's all too sweet to last
It's alright
And I put myself in his hands
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Love, or something ignites in my veins
And I pray it never fades in white houses
My first time, hard to explain
Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain
On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think
He's my first mistake
Maybe you were all faster than me
We gave each other up so easily
These silly little wounds will never mend
I feel so far from where I've been
So I go, and I will not be back here again
I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses
I lie, put my injuries all in the dust
In my heart is the five of us
In white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep
In white houses
superb song.
i want to go shopping
wander to wisma theres topshop and aztec and..
wander to wheelocks theres zara and borders..
raffles city, i need earrings..
shall stop.
want to get this and that..
take me shopping please?
This little bungalow with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's till the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day
Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke
I'm so excited, I haven't spoken
And she's so pretty, and she's so sure
Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her
The summer's all in bloom
The summer is ending soon
It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Maybe I'm a little bit over my head
I come undone at the things he said
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt
We were all in love and we all got hurt
I sneak into his car's cracked leather seat
The smell of gasoline in the summer heat
Boy, we're going way too fast
It's all too sweet to last
It's alright
And I put myself in his hands
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Love, or something ignites in my veins
And I pray it never fades in white houses
My first time, hard to explain
Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain
On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think
He's my first mistake
Maybe you were all faster than me
We gave each other up so easily
These silly little wounds will never mend
I feel so far from where I've been
So I go, and I will not be back here again
I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses
I lie, put my injuries all in the dust
In my heart is the five of us
In white houses
And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep
In white houses
superb song.
i want to go shopping
wander to wisma theres topshop and aztec and..
wander to wheelocks theres zara and borders..
raffles city, i need earrings..
shall stop.
want to get this and that..
take me shopping please?
i think im so gross, disgusting, whatever.
was 'violently ill' (quote from kotc haha) all of a sudden during the physics paper
and then grew superbly nauseus (spelling?) and i barfed. yes, my poor classmates had to bear with it. so sorry about that. almost died of embarassment. as much as my previous mental state could permit. was in a daze and kinda unaware of everything. dont know what came over me! so strange.
yea. which is why i think im so gross.
but after puking, and being perfectly sane now, i am fully aware that we only have 2 more papers to go ! hahaha. a temporary break is good enough. all the papers suck and i try not to think of it :( will cry my eyeballs out when we are all assembled in the drama studio / hall and THE moment arrives.
oh ! overjoyed btw. oc has returned. hehe.
feel like watching blue crush.
shall dig it out tonight and watch the hot bods and pretty faces (albeit the dolly kate bosworth!).
right. 'off.
was 'violently ill' (quote from kotc haha) all of a sudden during the physics paper
and then grew superbly nauseus (spelling?) and i barfed. yes, my poor classmates had to bear with it. so sorry about that. almost died of embarassment. as much as my previous mental state could permit. was in a daze and kinda unaware of everything. dont know what came over me! so strange.
yea. which is why i think im so gross.
but after puking, and being perfectly sane now, i am fully aware that we only have 2 more papers to go ! hahaha. a temporary break is good enough. all the papers suck and i try not to think of it :( will cry my eyeballs out when we are all assembled in the drama studio / hall and THE moment arrives.
oh ! overjoyed btw. oc has returned. hehe.
feel like watching blue crush.
shall dig it out tonight and watch the hot bods and pretty faces (albeit the dolly kate bosworth!).
right. 'off.
Friday, September 10, 2004
I don't wanna feel this small
You know I just can't handle this
Handle this at all
And I'll just fall
I let my heartbeat drop
I falter as the music stops
i have sinned ! im online when my prelims is in 3 days! FREAKS OUT BIG TIME.
oh well.
been mugging these days okay.
every moment and thought is dedicated to chemistry and physics and social studies and geography and math and..okay over exaggerated.
i just HAD to come online cos
SABRINA WEE told me i HAD to read her gbk entry AND in her entry she actually REPRIMANDED me for coming online! -grumbles.
im here even before i ate breakfast k.
k back to daily routine ; which is to study then head for the library to study with my fellow mugging kakees (who are so KIASU! kiasu kakees. haha alliteration!) haha. dinah mina yimin huiying rocks! :D
-though i still cant do the limbo rock (spelling?) embarassing. and i HAVE to eat my sushi roll TODAY! its the last day..
//these things that people say
they make me feel so lousy
please dont pretend to be happy
when youre with me
because thats what hurts.
im not good enough, i know it.
Tuesday, September 07, 2004
It's okay cause I'm down for you
today has been a LONG day.
amazed that im still awake after being through a turmoil.
haha strong word.
went to school (dragged myself up) for physics cos ms huang weiting told me she was going and persuaded me to go. so there i was, and she never turned up -scowls- how typical. but anyway studied like 1.5 chapters v e r y slowly cos school wasnt ideal for concentration for me. and also, the company i had there was too god damn fun. hahaha. ended up yakking away and laughing hysterically. out of like, nothingness. haha. spastic la.
we all wanted to go back so left at lunch time..changed and was like, 2hours early (thanks to the bright idea i got to avoid the rain..HAH.),
yup anyway, ate at swensons!! had the salmon and mushroom baked rice and fries and chocolate malt ice cream. super duper yummylicious :D were both super bloated. and there was this mud next to us wearing eye liner. for god's sake. it was like THIS thick. but he's cute though. haha and his girlfriend is really strange for she dons a tudong but her dressing is like, strictly GOTHIC. black nails, black nose ring and everything. and i dont think i heard her laugh once. or even crack a smile. or even speak. while her boyfriend tried to strike some casual conversation she just silently ate and occasionally picked up her phone (attached with skeletons and god knows what else) when this really strange doagjihiofSPW ringtone sounds. while he laughed at his own words. yea. okay think i was being overly observant.
haha anyway watched friends at her place..its so freaking depressing now that its all coming to an end. oh well. it reminds me of nanapok and ree. cos we always watch them at nana's house, spending our afternoons tanning and then laughing at the tv screen at the sofa with our lunch. typical. and now it seems like nana has done some disappearing act. i havent like, talked to her since..ages ago. so odd, this feeling of nana not being here.
okay ignore me. its just the stress.
my vocab is so limited. all i say is the word freaking.
but its just a freaking long day with brow raising encounters
so only the word freaking can fit in.
and can you believe
after my traumatic day
a few minutes ago i was still flipping through the shou ce and trying to cram the words in my head?
my life is like ojastihloaqdsgs.
i dont even know what to say.
just cant wait for the prelims to be over.
oh my. and instead of asking for o's to be over, im just asking for prelims to be over.
this is so uncanny.
but yea. 62, oh. no, 64 days now.
Saturday, September 04, 2004
Wednesday, September 01, 2004
okay cant believe im STILL online
-looks at clock-
failed miserably at exercising self control, wendy toh.
anyway decided that i NEED to do this entry
girl, i hope youre okay..
i think you are but y'know sometimes youre not
bcos she has left
and im SO sorry it took me so long to do this
caught up with my own world okay wendy's very selfish
-slaps self-
okay i didnt slap myself but in my mind i did, so technically (doesnt ths remind you of matthew perry from friends) technically, i did. haha. LAUGH, nana, laugh. okay not funny.
if you need anything or anyone (to flash yourself ie y'know what you always do haha or just to plain talk, seriously, IM ALWAYS HERE OKAY?))
love you to BITS AND PIECES and fragments and chips..
look for me when youre in those times when youre not okay, okay?
-looks at clock-
failed miserably at exercising self control, wendy toh.
anyway decided that i NEED to do this entry
girl, i hope youre okay..
i think you are but y'know sometimes youre not
bcos she has left
and im SO sorry it took me so long to do this
caught up with my own world okay wendy's very selfish
-slaps self-
okay i didnt slap myself but in my mind i did, so technically (doesnt ths remind you of matthew perry from friends) technically, i did. haha. LAUGH, nana, laugh. okay not funny.
if you need anything or anyone (to flash yourself ie y'know what you always do haha or just to plain talk, seriously, IM ALWAYS HERE OKAY?))
love you to BITS AND PIECES and fragments and chips..
look for me when youre in those times when youre not okay, okay?
ahhh my tama (which died 4 times due to constant neglect) turned into ths super cute version of a dolphin with legs (insert confused look here) but its so cute. and fat. whoops. and i really like natasha bedingfield's song single. but as the title suggests, its inappropriate to sing it (in my horrid voice) at the top of my lungs now, no? anyway im just bored stiff and i know i should be mugging right now instead of blogging crap online. oh ; got my tom yam and iced lemon tea so im happy (:
ooh my hair is longer ! back to the length before i cut it (if there was even a difference) perks. hahas.
RL doesnt feature my favourite model anymore, how sad.
but check out that Pink Pony tee (i really mean her figure)

and the bikini wear Blue Label is really appealing..
oh goodness. red boots ! (the others are animal skins. which is the root of plain evil..)

aint she pretty !

okay nuff surfing. feel like im talking to myself here. lame.
To fall
I gave my all
But it wasn't enough
I'm never giving up I found life
So I've gotta live it up
And life is too short for war
What can I say to show theres more
With people slammin doors in my face and what for
That aint the way to gain plays
By making the same mistake day after day
I gotta slide man get away the smile on my face its a sunny day girls and drinks and more drinks
Come to think
For such a big place its a small world
For such a rat race i still got faith
And anything goes still I got to say life has its ups and downs but I love it anyway
One love one shot
It's all we ever got
Monday, August 30, 2004
super zonked out
still came online though
havent been here in a long time..
was a rol's house with wai+kiat..damn funny
esp whn rol+kiat started doing ths techno dance..
and we were running away from ant hives and spiders and god know what else
screaming and flailing about like mad people.
haha almost died going home though.
bloody hot and weary.
but still. had fun :)
today's the last day im gonna be sitting with wai!!
and that girl destroyed my orange.
actually it was already in bad shape
after all the doodling and everything..
she had to go and stick a GREEN staplet in my orange!
reminded me of electrolysis. you can get a voltmeter reading from an orange y'know!
haha okay digressed.
got back ppr today..was rather shell-shocked by my results
thought i'd get 40 for l1r5 or smth with all the demoralising rev tests..
totally unexpected but oh well.
math still like shit la.
so nth much to be happy about.
and this reminds me of some people
shit, all is unfair.
but whatever, no use brooding over such crap.
prelims is in one and three quarters week. WHEE.
im SO NOT freaking out, SO NOT dead, SO NOT predicting that fateful day when we get our papers back, SO NOT going to complete mugging, SO NOT going to do well.
fucketty fuck :(
was watching friends..was so sweet!
esp when rachel confronted ross.
season finale part1 next week -wipes tears-
haha. cant believe its ending!
and i'd like to knw wht the fuck happened to the oc
there's a new timeslot for the apprentice so thr's no oc now!?
like hello.
stp reshuffling the timeslot.
freaking irritating.
media over here
come through like a world premiere
trench coat and my underwear
lets go with this freakshow its outrageous
i think britney rocks
and i shall announce that mark chay is the cutest+hottest guy alive ive ever seen in singapore.
hahas. do i sound like a freak or what.
but he's really cute.
ok stop it!
still came online though
havent been here in a long time..
was a rol's house with wai+kiat..damn funny
esp whn rol+kiat started doing ths techno dance..
and we were running away from ant hives and spiders and god know what else
screaming and flailing about like mad people.
haha almost died going home though.
bloody hot and weary.
but still. had fun :)
today's the last day im gonna be sitting with wai!!
and that girl destroyed my orange.
actually it was already in bad shape
after all the doodling and everything..
she had to go and stick a GREEN staplet in my orange!
reminded me of electrolysis. you can get a voltmeter reading from an orange y'know!
haha okay digressed.
got back ppr today..was rather shell-shocked by my results
thought i'd get 40 for l1r5 or smth with all the demoralising rev tests..
totally unexpected but oh well.
math still like shit la.
so nth much to be happy about.
and this reminds me of some people
shit, all is unfair.
but whatever, no use brooding over such crap.
prelims is in one and three quarters week. WHEE.
im SO NOT freaking out, SO NOT dead, SO NOT predicting that fateful day when we get our papers back, SO NOT going to complete mugging, SO NOT going to do well.
fucketty fuck :(
was watching friends..was so sweet!
esp when rachel confronted ross.
season finale part1 next week -wipes tears-
haha. cant believe its ending!
and i'd like to knw wht the fuck happened to the oc
there's a new timeslot for the apprentice so thr's no oc now!?
like hello.
stp reshuffling the timeslot.
freaking irritating.
come through like a world premiere
trench coat and my underwear
lets go with this freakshow its outrageous
i think britney rocks
and i shall announce that mark chay is the cutest+hottest guy alive ive ever seen in singapore.
hahas. do i sound like a freak or what.
but he's really cute.
ok stop it!
Sunday, August 22, 2004
Never found inside of me
Built these walls up so high
Needed my room to breathe
Oh Baby You turn them down
Can't believe you've changed my mind
Oh Baby I saw your smile
Stay with me a while
All things fall in to place
My heart, it feels so safe
You are my melody
That's where you take me
With you I get so high
Lost in the crystal sky
You are this melody
That's where you take me
I never fell before
How did u find my door
The key up to my soul
To you forever more
Oh baby You make me rise
And never did I once think twice
Oh Baby You make me smile
Stay with me a while
; thats where you take me - britney spears
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
just came home not long ago..supposed to do testimonial (yes im wayy over the deadline) physics test today was so unsettling! :| manymany diff ans from Wai the Brain (shes gonna kill me for this. haha). studied for 13 bloody chapters and the questions only touched a few chapters. grr! and my A for emath mock flew out of the window :( i can only imagine prelims. oh God. dont even wanna think about it.
recess today was v entertaining. -looks at da mina and dinah- haha. and i realise i hardly know anyone thats not from my level. was touring the other levels' classes with them when it hit me. haha. but whatever. i know the gossip just the same. hahaha.
was studying at the forum with her ystd :)
not bad lahh she taught me the previously unfathomable cro y-gain and x-base crap.
havent shopped in a longlonglong time :( deprived kid.
but then again,
mocks mocks mocks next week.
oh this is smth mina sent me. its damn sad right..
10th grade
As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. "My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step! I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she doesn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn`t see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.
Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read:
I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me!
I wish I did too, I thought to my self, and I cried, I love you.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
i feel like just ripping my books up and hurling them across the floor
then burn a hole from the pile of shit.
havent done my testimonial
not in the mood to :(
can someone just write it for me..
just remembered i have eggshell experiment tmrw.
the dread of it.
maybe it'll be cancelled! or maybe i can pretend i wasnt aware of it.
sister's friends are over..doing some pw thing.
why does jc life seem to revolve around pw? thought pw was smth we did in sec2. how strange.
avril lavigne has turned into gotchic rock chick, for some reason.
prefer her previously.
prelims are not less than a month away, no they're not.
-pouts sadly.
then burn a hole from the pile of shit.
havent done my testimonial
not in the mood to :(
can someone just write it for me..
just remembered i have eggshell experiment tmrw.
the dread of it.
maybe it'll be cancelled! or maybe i can pretend i wasnt aware of it.
sister's friends are over..doing some pw thing.
why does jc life seem to revolve around pw? thought pw was smth we did in sec2. how strange.
avril lavigne has turned into gotchic rock chick, for some reason.
prefer her previously.
prelims are not less than a month away, no they're not.
-pouts sadly.
Saturday, August 14, 2004
Thursday, August 12, 2004
okay i chilled.
think dadeedoo is kinda amused by my 'ANGRY blog'
haha anyway.
was just really grouchy
and everything pissed me off really badly.
went sakae for lunch today (at j8)
i havent visited town for like, god knows how long.
okay actually not v long.
saw nana and .. mr wong the last time i went, i still remember.
you're gonna make me fly.
Into your arms you're
wrappin me up so tight.
suddenly remember i used to like All American Rejects a lot yonks ago
where's that cd now..
ok digress digress.
what happened this week?
time zips by.
uhh, oh has oral ystd..was shitified la. the passage was filled with intolerantly EXCESSIVE 'ed and 't etc. every now and then the need for emphasis pops up and i just trip over. argh. and the picture was horrendous! thought in detail how to describe the foreground and background and guess what..was describing like, a portion of the foreground only and the examiners asked some questions and asked me to move on! like, huhh?? hmrpf. screwed. and its not like its tough or anything. so irritating! grr.
yea and i miraculously passed both physics tests.
freda kwok, CONGRATS man.
you FRIGGING lucky girl! lol
ok shall quit trying to rack my brains for the forgotten minor things that have happened in my pathetic life and hurry publish my post before more people ask about my previous angsty post. haha
oh, and dont forget.
THE OC ch5 11pm
i think i seem calm
but im raging in the insides.
* is fucking annoying.
* needs to stop taking her shit out on people.
* should not pick on me when shes stressed out or whatever the fuck is bothering her.
* ate my dinner and now im chewing on cheese slices. (oh and she kindly screamed at me, asking me to eat with her. HOW VERY INVITING it'd be a miracle if my eyeballs didnt fall from excess rolling or if i dont hurl out my food)
* thinks shes QUEEN.
* is getting on my nerves
NOTE : there is no word in the world to describe the DISGUST * brings me.
fuck off.
but im raging in the insides.
* is fucking annoying.
* needs to stop taking her shit out on people.
* should not pick on me when shes stressed out or whatever the fuck is bothering her.
* ate my dinner and now im chewing on cheese slices. (oh and she kindly screamed at me, asking me to eat with her. HOW VERY INVITING it'd be a miracle if my eyeballs didnt fall from excess rolling or if i dont hurl out my food)
* thinks shes QUEEN.
* is getting on my nerves
NOTE : there is no word in the world to describe the DISGUST * brings me.
fuck off.
Friday, August 06, 2004
at daring's house now :)
and shes reading harry potter..
for the umpteenth time :|
you can have your mushroom soup and mac breakfast and blah and blah -frowns at you- keep to your diet!!
school today was damn stupid..shouldnt have gone at all!
did like, 3 math questions and mixed some chemicals around..plotted to go canteen to get iced milo but failed..and practically half the class didnt turn up! caught the macs breakfast with wai qing and xiu..(: felt so HAPPY when i was munching on my sausage mcmuffin. hehe. CUT MY HAIR! im no longer suaku kid with the shaggy+thick+unlayered hair..haha but theres not much diff i think..just not thick. dont knw lahh. oh and, happy pre-bday, qing :) another one 16yearold who can watch nc16 shows legally..
went nana the peachy bitch's house ystd..tanned at her roof top and watched friends and ate..haha. the sun was blazing and we were perspiring and we got SO tanned lahh..grr. annoyed.
imissher maid's tomato rice :(
and the 2 lazybums were WHINING incessantly ON AND ON about how tired and hot it was when we were strolling in the shade..spoiltbrats. HAHA. loveeyou both anyhow.
ok shall go off
/tatas' :D :D
and shes reading harry potter..
for the umpteenth time :|
you can have your mushroom soup and mac breakfast and blah and blah -frowns at you- keep to your diet!!
school today was damn stupid..shouldnt have gone at all!
did like, 3 math questions and mixed some chemicals around..plotted to go canteen to get iced milo but failed..and practically half the class didnt turn up! caught the macs breakfast with wai qing and xiu..(: felt so HAPPY when i was munching on my sausage mcmuffin. hehe. CUT MY HAIR! im no longer suaku kid with the shaggy+thick+unlayered hair..haha but theres not much diff i think..just not thick. dont knw lahh. oh and, happy pre-bday, qing :) another one 16yearold who can watch nc16 shows legally..
went nana the peachy bitch's house ystd..tanned at her roof top and watched friends and ate..haha. the sun was blazing and we were perspiring and we got SO tanned lahh..grr. annoyed.
imissher maid's tomato rice :(
and the 2 lazybums were WHINING incessantly ON AND ON about how tired and hot it was when we were strolling in the shade..spoiltbrats. HAHA. loveeyou both anyhow.
ok shall go off
/tatas' :D :D
Sunday, August 01, 2004
happy sunday, everyone.
im spiffing with effervescence :)
mum made the fried beehoon that she fries once in a bluebluepurplepink moon ths morning..and it was damn good. nice to not be eating oily outside food for once.
then im msging 4 people all at once, people i love :)
k shall stop sounding so annoyingly gay..
and silly yins is fretting over her essay
that silly girl. stop it! its not rubbish nor garbage. thought it was pretty good k.
yesterday went out in the evening to meet lil aileen.
caught connie and carla
like, front row seats! fainted.
but it was okay la
ps' front row seats are the worst.
the show was quite hilarious.
wonder how these girls resemble trans so much.
especially one of them with The Lips.
ate at lips then went back..missed The Simple Life!
but it's okay, really -looks at you-
nana, er -coughs- i didnt HIDE my gbk..it was just next to the day/date of every one of my entries..haha. anyway hope that you'd be okay..i know that you WOULD be okay, right? :) -hugs-
Blare the music and have a swoon
I can't stop thinking of your face
La la lee la lee loo lace
I'm six feet under the Bhodi tree
With my crap new-age philosophy
Diamonds where there once were stars
I'm sitting in Jayne Mansfield's car
Yeah yeah I'm independence
Yeah yeah I'm borderline
Yeah yeah I'm California
My minds all screwed and upside down
But my hearts on overdrive
Yeah my heart's on overdrive
I need to take a shower when I look at you
You sting and hurt like a bad tattoo
I wish you'd change my point of view
I cruise the canyon to get some breeze
With hidden treasures up my sleeve
I like the light and hate the heat
But I'll lick the blood right off your street
Yeah yeah I'm cherry cola
Yeah yeah I'm Candy-eyed
Yeah yeah I'm California
My minds all screwed and upside down
But my hearts on overdrive
They all come here to find a scene
But end up girls on Methedrine
Naked on a TV screen
The dreams that fall beneath my feet
Make my footsteps feel so sweet
But your kisses are my fate accompli
Yeah yeah I'm independence
Yeah yeah I'm borderline
Yeah yeah I'm California
My minds all screwed and upside down
But my heart's on overdrive
Yeah my heart's on overdrive
:) 'tatas.
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